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[deleted] t1_j6rxeoh wrote


flaaaacid t1_j6rz7ph wrote

Utilities don’t shut off because of a one month late payment. They’ll assess a minor late fee (or in this case, won’t, because they said that’s suspended for now) and life goes on.


heili t1_j6s5st9 wrote

I see you've never dealt with Duquesne Light.

They will send a shutoff notice dated the day after the payment date which gives ten days to pay the bill before they'll shut off service. They're also notorious for back-dating notices. People get a notice that's postmarked the day prior to them receiving it, but the notice itself is dated for a week or more prior.

They will also leave shutoff notices that are back dated on people's doors after the date they state they will shut off service has already passed. Not mailed, just left there. Sometimes they tape them to doors, sometimes they shove them in mailboxes, sometimes they just throw them on the ground.

They are absolutely a shit company.