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Squashey t1_j6wbgql wrote

I also saw the same huge cost increases versus same time period last year.

Found my usage was about the same but PPL has nearly double their rate per kWh since then.

Politicians sitting idly by as we get manhandled by cost increases is not going to end well.


Cilantroduction t1_j6wzrv1 wrote

But, how? What are we to do? I am one person and I need infrastructure. They know they have us over a barrel.


Squashey t1_j6x12cv wrote

We are to write messages/reach out to our state politicians asking to look into why our critical infrastructure bills are doubled over a year.

I have done so and ask others to as well. I find it hard to believe that PPLs cost structure has gotten so out of hand that a doubling of their prices is warranted.