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SchnauzerHaus t1_j6wxdt6 wrote

Lived next to a lovely field for 25 years. 3 years ago, a McMansion development started building. 40+ houses now. There's a strip of scrub between our properties, and we put two cameras in it. Fox, deer, and even a coyote one night, using that scrub to move through the neighborhood. Love to see them, but it's really sad how many developments there are here.

My biggest worry is I'll wake up one morning and there will be a dead deer in front of my house, traffic is terrible.


IamSauerKraut t1_j72k4e0 wrote

This is a prime example of why donating to non-profit conservation organizations is key to preserving productive farmland. Conservation Districts do some protection of ag lands but their requirements are really strict. For instance, you can have a handful of applicants that are nearly identical but if one is adjacent to an already preserved farm, then that applicant is the most likely to get the preservation dollars. The farm located next to an existing development is least likely to be preserved, even tho its preservation is most likely to keep it from being developed. At the same time, that big paycheck from the developer is hard to turn down. For older farmers, that paycheck funds their retirement.


SchnauzerHaus t1_j73vc7r wrote

I completely understand the dynamics, and I do not, for one minute, begrudge farmers for selling. Just hate to see it happen, like everyone else. It is what it is. Very grateful to have lived next to that field all those years.