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beaurific t1_ja5sfp9 wrote

Exploiting children, how quaint.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_ja5sxgb wrote

It's McDonald's, not the bloody coal mines.

Edit: hahaha you edited your comment to try to make my comment look bad you lazy muppet.


Dain42 t1_ja6skeq wrote

Yeah! Your defense of child labor definitely only looks bad in a specific context!


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_ja7ecbv wrote

>defense of child labor

Lol. Kids getting a part time job at McDonald's isn't "child labor" it's teenagers with jobs. Didn't you work as a teenager?


Zenith2017 t1_ja84hcl wrote

Teenagers = child

Job = labor

It's not that hard to piece together pal


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_ja84kgy wrote

So you never had a job as a teenager? Lol

No wonder everyone on this sub is so miserable, you're all lazy as fuck.


Zenith2017 t1_ja84ss1 wrote

How'd you conclude that? I worked at McDonald's specifically when I was a teenager. Turns out having a job isn't mutually exclusive with not wanting illegal labor violations to be encouraged


Dain42 t1_ja9mttk wrote

Sorry. What I meant was,

> Yeah! Your defense of illegal child labor definitely only looks bad in a specific context!

Better? 🤗