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[deleted] t1_j6wyhes wrote

Puts us right in line with… the equinox. Lol. Pennsylvania is so fucking dumb and this uniquely PA holiday proves just how much.


Allin360 t1_j6x1mqw wrote

“Groundhog Day has its roots in the ancient Christian tradition of Candlemas, when clergy would bless and distribute candles needed for winter. The candles represented how long and cold the winter would be. Germans expanded on this concept by selecting an animal—the hedgehog—as a means of predicting weather. Once they came to America, German settlers in Pennsylvania continued the tradition, although they switched from hedgehogs to groundhogs, which were plentiful in the Keystone State.”


MonsterNog t1_j6x26j5 wrote

This groundhog needs to go, he’s too powerful


Yelloeisok t1_j6xnkv6 wrote

He says 6 weeks of winter, but how many weeks of false springs and late frosts?


[deleted] t1_j6xqngb wrote

I look at it this way, the dumbing down of America has been happening for a long fucking time and one of the ways that has happened is by stripping meaning from the meaningful and replacing it with vapid consumer bullshit. The fall of society is precisely because of holidays like this and the mechanisms which support them.


bubbity1990 t1_j6xthsd wrote

I’ve mentioned it elsewhere today, but according to the Groundhog Day folks, whenever the weather and Phil don’t agree, it isn’t Phil that’s wrong that year, it’s the weather that’s wrong.


emeraldoz1900 t1_j6yc36u wrote

but how is a group of people coming together for a holiday that everyone knows doesn't make an impact on anything (other than bringing people together, as communities and society should do) hurt anything? Like why is that a big deal? It's not negatively impacting literally anything. It's just a fun/goofy thing to do to bring people together and lighten the mood lol


emeraldoz1900 t1_j6yjcb0 wrote

you're avoiding the question, what is a few hours once a year hurting? what do you suggest we do for fun aside from entertainment? We all need escapes from the world, and this is one of them. stop trying to be so philosophical and just enjoy life lol


emeraldoz1900 t1_j6yk0m7 wrote

again, avoiding the question, what is Groundhog Day hurting? Please answer, because you're avoiding the question, which I wouldn't consider very useful to the examination of this thread. And I don't watch network TV but thanks for assuming!


emeraldoz1900 t1_j6yo8rd wrote

What is Groundhog Day hurting? It's a simple question. If you can't answer that, I don't know what your point to this entire post even was, which is clear by the enormous amount of downvotes you've received lol. Nobody knows what you're talking about