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randomnighmare t1_j705ljf wrote

You are right about the rumor churn so who knows?

> And to your last point, couldn't they be from anywhere... In the universe iirc?

Yeah, they can be from anywhere. It's not tied to race, religion, ethnicity, etc... but in the OG movie, MacLeod's (who is the main character that happened to be from the Scottland Highlands) rival/enemy was originally from Eastern Europe (present-day Russia to be more exact) and his mentor (played by Sean Connery) was supposedly Spanish.


SecretConspirer t1_j70641f wrote

I was really young when my mother would watch the show, and covered my eyes during suggestive sex scenes and the beheadings. I have fond memories but I haven't gone back to watch, if I'm being honest. However, I remember them being aliens at one point, or did that get retconned like a lot of shows that era did (SG1, Xena, etc)?