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JohnStow1726 t1_j79ywly wrote

You would if you had any idea that they are super uber far right and voted fir Trump.


sirloinfurr t1_j7be7b4 wrote

Yeah, I've worked with a bunch of Amish on construction jobs. And everyone one of them was trump-loving, inbred white trash.


JohnStow1726 t1_j7bnb64 wrote

Sounds like you know a lot about being inbred you bigot.


sirloinfurr t1_j7bo872 wrote

Sounds like you don't know anything at all. The Amish are so well known for inbreeding that they're subjects of numerous medical schools.

And yes, a majority of trump fanatics are white trash lol


Hazel1928 t1_j7c4gbz wrote

Yeah, the Amish suffer from the “founder effect” All of them are descended from about 200 German immigrants. So there is an opportunity for recessive genes to come through.


Buddy_Fluffy t1_j7aq4h0 wrote

They don’t vote, dingbat.


ima_mandolin t1_j7atdq7 wrote

About 10% of Amish do vote, and they overwhelmingly supported Trump.


ColonelSwanson t1_j7ay2y7 wrote

Can confirm, as a Lancaster county resident, I have seen plenty of Amish men at the polls.