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Kfrr t1_j7hj35d wrote

I really think you should read the 15 comments down this chain that I've posted.

You know how they say people live 1000 lives?

That's me. I've lived 1000 lives and have 1000 more to go.

I'm from a poor family in Fayette county and I bet my dog has seen more of the world than most people you know.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hkdf7 wrote

I don't give a hot wet fuck about your life, I'm saying that leaving a dead-end town takes a lot more than "serious initiative" nowadays. You're making it sound simpler than it is.


Kfrr t1_j7hmsv8 wrote

It actually doesn't. Every major ski resort and cruise line in the US will house you and pay you. Just between these two simple mentions you have a year's worth of work every single year for as many years as it takes to build a nest egg of cash without needing to buy or rent.

Staying put, buying and renting is the simple life*

Wow. You built a family and bought a house. Way to think outside the box.

Tourism is free housing and if you're in the service industry, an insane amount of money.

You should try speaking from experience rather than inexperience.

A shallow closed mind isn't something you should be carrying around "nowadays".


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hn68c wrote

That's nice, a lot of people don't want to work in the service industry because it's a dead-end career, rife with substance abuse, and your life experiences do not apply to everyone else.

You should try speaking from experience rather than inexperience about other peoples' lives.


Kfrr t1_j7hpluz wrote

I'm quite literally speaking from experience. Working seasonal jobs that offered housing broke me out of my hometown and has allowed me to travel the world while still maxing my IRA and over-investing for retirement.

Still don't make enough money to actually afford a child a child though, and I do pretty damn well these days.

It's a shame that all of the unintelligent and underprepared people are the ones that keep popping out children and bitching about socioeconomic hardship when they came into parenting without a plan in the first place. Most parents can't even contribute to a 529 for fucks sake.

Buncha dumb people we have walking around this planet.

... Are you one of those people, by chance?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hqapu wrote

Most people do not want to live in their car while working at Ohiopyle, or sling drinks on a cruise ship for years. That's a dead-end career. It worked for you. Most people want more out of life.


Kfrr t1_j7hr38u wrote

How's it dead end if it maxed my IRA and 401k contributions every year while still allowing money to toy with in the market...?

It's free housing and massive money to break you out of your hometown. You don't have to do it for life, but you open a lot of doors, meet a lot of people and are granted a free ticket out of a shit town so you can breathe and figure out if you want to learn coding or how to fly an airplane.

I chose airplanes. Wanna know what it feels like the first time you pull the yoke and leave a runway? Sounds pretty cool doesn't it?

You can do it.