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Dirt_dawg21 t1_j7n1c2i wrote

None of these paint chip eating, knuckle dragging cult members have ever used a portapotty at a concert, event, or a job site? Do these knuckleheads realize "unisex bathrooms" don't mean people use them together? It means a line forms, and you wait your turn to do your business.


WhiskeyandScars t1_j7npc5k wrote

I really don't think they get that. To me, it's no different than the "family" bathroom places have. Hell, I worked for a church owned coffee shop and we had TWO unisex bathrooms. Each had a single toilet and sink with a locking door. It's really not a hard concept to grasp. Unfortunately, the only thing done people seem to be able to grasp are their pearls. 🙄


peeehhh t1_j7o7pn9 wrote

I once read a negative review for a fast food restaurant because they’d “gone woke” for the exact kind of toilet arrangement you described. The reviewer taught 3rd grade.


ticktocktoe t1_j7o3c8j wrote

> Do these knuckleheads realize "unisex bathrooms" don't mean people use them together?

Honestly - I would PREFER that thats what they believed/thought it meant - because at least then I could play them off as just stupid....the truth is that they are stupid and abhorrently bigoted:

> But I knew there was more to it. Then all of the sudden it comes out about if we have students who are transitioning, they can use that bathroom. We don’t need to have that bathroom in the plans.

Literally saying - there are transition people at the school - and we dont want 'those type' to have a bathroom.

They're fighting this battle to prevent a group of students, of teenage kids, from receiving even the slightest consideration.

Literally the most despicable thing I've read in a while.


[deleted] t1_j7npg5c wrote



djb25 t1_j7nyk7f wrote

I think you’re having a stroke.