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mjgood91 t1_j7po3mc wrote

Honestly, ever since Trump won the GOP presidential nomination in '16, so much everything on the news I've heard has been kind of a "Oh... Well, I guess that's a thing now" that I just don't question the craziest stories the same way I might have otherwise.

When this first circulated back a little while ago, my first thought was "Sheez guys... We have, what, a very, very small handful of schools that are putting in litterboxes, and as we haven't heard anything from the students or teachers themselves, I guess folks in those classrooms are for whatever reason fine with this kinda thing... Can we like move on to something a little more relevant now?". Didn't even think to fact-check if it was actually happening or not with the way everyone was going on about it until like ...just now, I think.

I'm both quite relieved it was a hoax, while being even more disappointed with conservatives (sadly, they have quite the track record of disappoints) that so many of them let such a farce go this far. If you're going to open your mouth and say something, and you're going to say it loudly to a lot of people, you really should know what the heck you're talking about.