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AFD_0 t1_j7n5v5c wrote



FlipAround42 t1_j7n6lhb wrote

Yep but It’s not just central PA. Also other areas.


hamerfreak t1_j7ndpf8 wrote

Thought you might have meant Intercourse, Bird In Hand and Blue Balls. Pennsyltucky is everywhere except PHL and P-Burg.


Bird_Brain4101112 t1_j7nerzm wrote

I’m in that general area and it’s funny/weird. One minute you’re in downtown Scranton and bam 15 minutes later you’re in Newton-Ransom. Or you’re chilling at the Crossings and boom, now you’re in Gouldsboro


thunderGunXprezz t1_j7nvboz wrote

Hey now. As a resident of Northern Allegheny County, we reject the spillover from our borders in every direction. My local Wal-Mart gets raided regularly from the degens from upcountry (Butler County). We hate that shit as much as anyone and I will fight until my last breath to keep Pennsyltucky out of the Greater Pittsburgh area.


glenmalure t1_j7pfipn wrote

Lancaster County & Southern Chester County are definitely not Pennsyltuckey. Rural agriculture, Pennsylvania Dutch and many Amish folks as well as the horse operations are keeping the developers at bay. Lots of small vegetable and grass fed beef operations. Many former dairy operators are in the hog business now. Folks down here may speak a little differently but they have to be pretty smart to survive in today’s AG economy.


natattack15 t1_j7pse46 wrote

You were looking for pensyltucky but i prefer BumbleFuckNowhere, PA.


fatherofallthings t1_j7qdu1q wrote

I’d add the Allentown/LV area to this. Lived there for years and it’s definitely not pennsyltucky until you reach leonhardstville area, which personally I don’t even consider the LV

Now I live in Hamburg area and that is most certainly Pennsyltucky, but I’m a simple kinda family man and I love it


mcs0301 t1_j7qkw2t wrote

Pennsyktucky seems to be what you were looking for based on your replies to comments.

However, I also like "PA is Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Alabama in between"


griebage t1_j7rkvv9 wrote

I had a PoliSci prof at PSU back in ‘99 open the semester of a class of mostly freshmen this way, “Welcome to Central Pennsylvania. For those of you not from Pennsylvania, let me explain that Pennsylvania is Philadelphia on one end, Pittsburgh on the other, and Alabama in between.”


Davmilasav t1_j7ryo14 wrote

Someone called it "Pennsylmania," which is pretty fitting as well.