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HectorsMascara t1_j7ngyv2 wrote

TikTok Dad From Connellsville Pleads For Justice After Canadian Drunk Driver Kills Daughter Getting Ice Cream From Dairy Queen: PSP


MycologistQueasy22 t1_j7nh47m wrote

Worst writer ever.


Inner-Figure5047 t1_j7nnpf0 wrote

Daily voice is always the most ridiculous. Almost always factual (and updated when needed for accuracy), but the writing always reads like Nana is trying to catch her grandson's attention using buzzwords she learned about on YouTube.


NotNowDamo t1_j7pavl4 wrote

I don't even know why they called him Tik Tok dad? Literally, it was all about the accident and the drunk driver until the last paragraph, and it only said he reached out on Tik Tok to raise funds for the funeral.

How ridiculous.

All that aside, how tragic. I feel sorry for this family, this girl, the driver and his family.

Let's hope we never hear of another drunken driver.


mikeyHustle t1_j7qdsbw wrote

So search engines will crawl the article more. That's it. The more details you put in that can get picked up by search engines, the more clicks you can get, the more money you make.


WhiskeyandScars t1_j7nya78 wrote

I was going to read it until I read this comment.

But now I kinda want to know how bad it is.

Edit, a word


cordy_crocs t1_j7ob1ws wrote

Connellsville is my hometown; It’s been a depressing couple days to say the least.


yankeeman9 t1_j7r8j5k wrote

He doesn't need to plead for justice. They've got this fucker dead to rights. That being said, my daughter was hit by a drunk last year (she's relatively OK) but that piece of shit got 30 days home confinement and 3 years probation for his SECOND DUI.


wagsman t1_j7rhpd3 wrote

Horrible situation, but what the heck is up with that title?


sneakysquid102 t1_j7o4axi wrote

Alcohol needs to be outlawed. Arguably kills more than fentanyl or heroin.


usaf_photog t1_j7o5ffv wrote

Maybe another prohibition will happen in the 2030's, and we can bring back bootlegging, speak easy's, the mafia.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7o6fni wrote

Thanks for proving my point. Y'all have a problem. Government and the 1% coming in to take our freedom and yall sit there.

Got forbid they ban alcohol tho. That would be the end of the world. As once proved in the 30s


Collegenoob t1_j7pheb1 wrote

Alcohol is as old as civilization bruh.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7pi9mj wrote

That's a great argument. How could I have been so blind.

So is cocaine and marijuana. What's your point here


Haldron_44_Stroika t1_j7p064h wrote

Serious question here. Do you think it would improve or hinder society as a whole by putting more people in jail? This will include people that want to consume alcohol but are wise enough to not drive.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7phvsq wrote

How's that any different from people that smoke. Something that doesn't hurt anybody. Yet people are always thrown in jail or being fined hundred for it. We're already throwing people in jail for stupid reasons. What's one more


Haldron_44_Stroika t1_j7pn13f wrote

You're comically close to getting it. Maybe ask yourself if it's a good thing that "we're already throwing people in jail for stupid reasons"


sneakysquid102 t1_j7pnvpl wrote

Did I say it was a good thing? And I believe you were the one that brought up the topic of jail. I just said alcohol should be illegal. But since you brought it I had to point out that we throw people in jail for lesser crimes all the time. So before you start barking how it would mess shit up, getting people thrown in jail for alcohol, think about all the other ass backwards reasons people get thrown in jail.


Atrocious_1 t1_j7ptoe8 wrote

Yeah, government is coming for your freedom. That's why we need to put more people in jail. Brilliant reasoning


STLLC2019 t1_j7p7ztl wrote

Outlawing alcohol won't solve the problem. What you need is a well-funded long-term education program targeting young people like the anti-smoking campaigns have. Those have proven to be overall successful strategies, getting more and more young people to not even start smoking as they view it as a disgusting habit (which it is, from a former two pack a day smoker).

Studies show that fewer and fewer young people are picking up cigarettes these days. Even "vaping" is slowly disappearing amongst young people. Long-term campaigns work.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7phogo wrote

I went through all those campaigns and still picked up vaping. As did 99 percent of everyone I know. They really don't do shit besides annoy the kid and plant a seed about the topic in there head. I only speak from experience


Kfrr t1_j7s5tjv wrote

You should learn what the word "anecdotal" means.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7s7qii wrote

I guess vaping wasn't such an issue anywhere else then. They only raised the age to 21 because it was a national issue but Ill alert Congress they were misinformed.


NotNowDamo t1_j7pb245 wrote

I don't know if it needs to be outlawed, but we need to stop pretending it doesn't harm to both the individual and society.

Then again, if driving was automated, it would be one less alcohol related problem.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7pjr3z wrote

Fun fact about teslas it's whole operating system was based off a Linux ubuntu distribution. Not to mention the batteries easily explode. The whole car is half assed. These also need to be illegal.

How can you trust a computer made by a man that has no idea how the machine works with your life? It's flabbergasting


NotNowDamo t1_j7r582t wrote

Who said anything about Teslas?


sneakysquid102 t1_j7rdhel wrote

I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure telsas are the only vehicles to have a fully functional self driving mode. Which is why I mention them


NotNowDamo t1_j7sj5na wrote

No vehicle has a fully functional self driving mode.

Tesla has come under fire for calling it Autopilot, because it can't drive on its own yet.

There are some companies with research vehicles, but nothing publicly available.


mikeyHustle t1_j7qdyse wrote

We tried that 100 years ago. It was awful. People just need to understand what it does / can do to you so they can be responsible.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7qf3ip wrote

It's funny how that's everyone's excuse. And it just proves my statement more.

Our ability to own stuff like houses and cars are being striped away, corporate greed gets worse by the minute, but let alcohol be illegal and THATS the thing that makes everyone stand up and say enough is enough. I call that addiction.

There was also a marijuana movement back in the 70s or 80s. Which was much more civil than the prohibition. But nothing changed. If that doesn't sound ass backwards to you than your just proving my point further that alcohol is America's biggest drug problem.


Tdub405 t1_j7qgjpj wrote

The arguably comes from using a 'web of death' hypothesis in which you connect causality to the item in question. Does alcohol cause direct death on occasion, yes. Does it cause death to those adjacent to it on occasion, yes. Is the amount of death caused, taken as a percentage of instances of use, anywhere near fentanyl or heroin, no. Statistically speaking, alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana directly, but prohibition of marijuana causing a black market controlled by feuding factions of organized crime causes more death than the liquor stores. Prohibition is not the solution. The old way of trying to 'educate' youth on the dangers of a substance is not the solution. The younger generations coming up behind us already drink far less than we did at their age because they're more conscious of themselves, they don't use alcohol or drugs to self medicate. Mental health is being treated more and more seriously. Proper mental health awareness and treatment will, over time, be more effective at decreasing alcohol use and abuse.