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usaf_photog t1_j7o5ffv wrote

Maybe another prohibition will happen in the 2030's, and we can bring back bootlegging, speak easy's, the mafia.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7o6fni wrote

Thanks for proving my point. Y'all have a problem. Government and the 1% coming in to take our freedom and yall sit there.

Got forbid they ban alcohol tho. That would be the end of the world. As once proved in the 30s


Collegenoob t1_j7pheb1 wrote

Alcohol is as old as civilization bruh.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7pi9mj wrote

That's a great argument. How could I have been so blind.

So is cocaine and marijuana. What's your point here


Haldron_44_Stroika t1_j7p064h wrote

Serious question here. Do you think it would improve or hinder society as a whole by putting more people in jail? This will include people that want to consume alcohol but are wise enough to not drive.


sneakysquid102 t1_j7phvsq wrote

How's that any different from people that smoke. Something that doesn't hurt anybody. Yet people are always thrown in jail or being fined hundred for it. We're already throwing people in jail for stupid reasons. What's one more


Haldron_44_Stroika t1_j7pn13f wrote

You're comically close to getting it. Maybe ask yourself if it's a good thing that "we're already throwing people in jail for stupid reasons"


sneakysquid102 t1_j7pnvpl wrote

Did I say it was a good thing? And I believe you were the one that brought up the topic of jail. I just said alcohol should be illegal. But since you brought it I had to point out that we throw people in jail for lesser crimes all the time. So before you start barking how it would mess shit up, getting people thrown in jail for alcohol, think about all the other ass backwards reasons people get thrown in jail.


Atrocious_1 t1_j7ptoe8 wrote

Yeah, government is coming for your freedom. That's why we need to put more people in jail. Brilliant reasoning