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Shad0wSmurf t1_ja22kmo wrote

And you bring that up about you not having the chickpox vaccine, you wanna know what population in Pennsylvania has had the lowest vaccination rates and lowest contraction of Covid? Amish. Weird


Yen-sama t1_ja22qfy wrote

I did have the vaccine. My mom just forgot to submit the updated record to the school.

I'm not sure what you're trying to convince me. I have gotten every vaccine available to me, and I'm perfectly fine.


Shad0wSmurf t1_ja22tw3 wrote

no, not trying to convince you. You seem legit , just had the thoughts come to the surface as you brought up the stuff. Hope you have a great Sunday !


jralll234 t1_ja35ggc wrote

So weird that the people that stick to themselves and don’t get tested, never test positive for covid. I can’t imagine why!


Sennva t1_ja3h6j3 wrote

Interesting point. Would most Amish agree to take a Covid test or visit a modern doctor if they were sick though?

My impression was they prefer to rely on prayer and home remedies over modern medicine. If so, its unlikely all their cases got reported.

I'm a bit skeptical, but maybe there's something to it. The Amish are a rather insular community. I wouldn't be surprised if they had differences in immune system from the average American because of their tendency to marry inside their community, keep livestock, and rely less on modern healthcare.

Studies have shown there are immune system related drawbacks to living in a largely sterile environment without frequent exposure to animals. Higher risk of allergies for example. There are other coronaviruses which pre-date Covid too. Maybe that lifestyle is just more likely to lead to similar exposures and natural immunity.