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HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7pchfb wrote

I think this is the reason. Look at the midterms. A red wave that was supposed to be a massacre was not even close to that. It was a fantastic disappointment for the GOP. People are tired of the crazy morons and they have made it clear they’d rather stay home than vote for them. They won’t change anything for 2024 either. And the GOP will stay home.


[deleted] t1_j7pgbsh wrote



Tidusx145 t1_j7pk6s0 wrote

That's why I'm always impressed with folks who admit they were in a cult. It's easier to just pretend it didn't happen and that you weren't conned into giving your time and identity to another person. But those who admit at least have a chance to grow and not repeat the same mistakes. Not so sure about those who try to forget.