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Heathen_Mushroom t1_j7ppu9u wrote

This is basically my point. Ethics and morals tend to change incrementally. The idea that one generation holds the key to a moral evolution that will usher in an epoch of utopian social harmony is just painfully naive, and rolls around every 20-30 years or so. I have seen it twice in my lifetime already.

My parents thought their grandparents' generation's passing would solve the world's problems.

I thought the passing of my grandparents' generation would solve the world's problems.

Now Gen Z thinks the passing of my parents' generation will solve the world's problems.

Gen Z's children will think my generation's passing will solve the world's problems.

Gen Z's grandchildren will think Gen Z's passing will solve the world's problems.

And each of these generations think they are the pinnacle of moral enlightenment rather than a step on the ladder.