Submitted by Assistant_Proper t3_11bocyg in Pennsylvania

So I see it says that you must register for PA career link to it him 30 days. My question is I was laid off because of a sickness so currently can’t even work physically, hoping to get better soon dont really know what it is, so I cannot actually currently work and it says u must apply for 2 jobs per week with the career link. Is there anyway around this , I mean I guess I can apply for random jobs I dont actually want but what happened if they contact me and report I didn’t want the job or something. Believe me I want to work and as soon as I’m better my old job may take me back. Any thought on what to do with applying for jobs in the mean time?



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Flimsy-Lie-1471 t1_j9yux6u wrote

Go see the counselor. They will work with you. It really can be a help.


Assistant_Proper OP t1_j9yv55d wrote

What is this counselor? Also I am technically sick which isn’t a good reason to be on unemployment so wouldn’t they try and kick me off if they knew ?


BeatsMeByDre t1_j9yw907 wrote

How is being sick not a good reason? Were you fired for being sick?


queenoftheidiots t1_ja24l8z wrote

If you have a doctors excuse I believe that is a reason. If it is outside of your control I believe you can get it. I’m not sure but you may want to look into that.


ronreadingpa t1_j9zg05k wrote

If you were laid off for illness, does your employer offer short-term disability? If you had health benefits, it's possible long-term disability was included.

More to the point, if you're unable to work, government disability benefits are something to consider. In some instances, one may still work part time and fully collect benefits. Worth looking into.

Alternatively, getting a job that doesn't require much physical activity and offers flexible hours. For example, answering customer service calls from home. Often such companies provide the software and even some hardware (ie. headset) and pay based on hours logged in working. If going this route, be wary of scams, such as reshipping packages or buying stuff for others.

Your guess about applying for random jobs one doesn't want is exactly what many do. It's annoyance for many employers, but many lighten the load by using 3rd party services to screen applications. On the other hand, the requirement does work by encouraging people to at least look around verses just sitting at home.

Saw a similar thread and some said the state doesn't check. That's incorrect. PA UE does occasionally follow up regarding one's job search. Another reason to apply 2+ jobs per week via career link.


TSUTigers95 t1_j9z56tm wrote

He says he was laid off for being sick. How can that be? There is a lot of information missing here.


MeadowLedger t1_ja0t7p7 wrote

It's complicated. You may be eligible for unemployment in PA if you had to leave your job because your medical condition is made worse by your work and your employer is not able to make reasonable accommodations. From the limited information, it doesn't sound like that is your situation.

Typically, to be eligible you must be able to work and you cannot refuse work that is offered.

I recommend making an appointment to speak with someone at CareerLink. The last thing you want is to misrepresent your situation and have to payback funds and hurt your opportunity for unemployment in the future.


Assistant_Proper OP t1_ja24xqw wrote

How does career link even work ? I haven’t applied yet because it said I had 30 days and I haven’t hit that yet but can’t I just apply for two jobs per week and just not answer calls from employers ? What about if I want to apply from other sites instead of career link ? Idk if you know any of this but thought I would ask .


MeadowLedger t1_ja5smov wrote

Career Link is a service to match employers with potential employees. They are the resource the PA Unemployment system uses to help people find suitable work in PA while collecting unemployment.

This link can explain the process for verifying how to meet the requirement to apply for two jobs per week better than I can. It's the work search instructions

I'm not sure how/if the State verifies whether or not a potential employer called or emailed with an offer for an interview. What I have seen is after a few weeks of no offers, no interviews, the person was required to go to the office for evaluation to match them with a suitable job.


worstatit t1_ja2q7jf wrote

Were you actually laid off, or are you not going to work because you're sick? There's a difference, and it will matter if you apply for unemployment.


Assistant_Proper OP t1_ja4udia wrote

So I was laid off because I could no longer perform my duties from being sick if that makes sense


worstatit t1_ja5q78k wrote

For unemployment purposes, laid off is due to lack of work. UC will not be of help.


Assistant_Proper OP t1_ja26wox wrote

I’m sorry people I forgot to mention my job is going to take me back once I get better, is there a way to let unemployment know I still have a job waiting..They are playing it off as a layoff currently allowing me to collect unemployment because they didn’t know what else to do for me? This way I dont have to do work searches