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IamSauerKraut t1_ja9v1ay wrote

>Democrats essentially forced this poor guy to run at the expense of his physical and mental well-being, just to beat Oz.

No one forced Fetterman to do anything. Unlike too many of the GQP coterie, he is a free thinker operating within his own, free, sphere.


TreeMac12 t1_jaciq5n wrote

>he is a free thinker operating within his own, free, sphere

His parents paid for his rent for 20+ years. That was his "free" sphere.


IamSauerKraut t1_jactxg6 wrote

>His parents paid for his rent for 20+ years

Did they? Not seeing how that has anything to do with him being a free thinker and, I suspect, neither do you. Time for you to climb out of your mother's basement. No 50-y.o. man should be living there.


ashleyorelse t1_jad0v0m wrote

And Dr. Oz conned people out of money to help pay his expenses.


jwt155 t1_jaan6mz wrote

Close to $160 Million dollars was spent on Fetterman’s campaign.

Money like that isn’t spent on a guy who’s only running for himself.

And if Fetterman is such a free thinker, then why did he shamefully lie in front of a national audience during his only Senate Debate with Oz about his views on fracking, claiming he’s always been pro fracking when there’s mountains of video and articles refuting that? Shouldn’t liberals who are anti fracking feel betrayed?


Zenith2017 t1_jacs5oh wrote

Asking why Fetterman flipped the position on fracking is a valid and worthy question, but not when it's a non-sequitur


jwt155 t1_jactlrt wrote

Free thinking and honest people speak the truth regardless of the situation.

Fetterman lied multiple times during his debate with Oz, highlighted with his blatant lie regarding fracking, even when he was directly confronted with his own words by the panelist.

The obvious answer is that Fetterman is just like any other politician, and once thrusted onto the statewide and national stage/spotlight he was incentivized to lie about his record and instead take stances that would make him more electable.

This directly negates the idea that he’s a free thinker operating in his own world, he’s a slimy politician like the rest of them and was willing to say and do whatever it took to get elected, including lying about pivotal parts of his record regarding fracking because he knew admitting his pro fracking stance would be detrimental to his campaign in PA, a state that has many jobs related to oil and gas.

If Yinz honestly think a man that was supported by $160M, one of the largest war chests for a senate race in the history of the country, is somehow different then every other politician, then I have a bridge to sell you.

People don’t buy off politicians who can’t be bought…


Zenith2017 t1_jacy6ku wrote

Yeah, I mean I pretty much agree in spirit. Fetterman is no different than any other politician. I voted for him very reluctantly

Edit - still don't feel it's really related to the OP but the point stands anyway. Nobody forced Fetterman to do anything he's a big boy. Let's not do a cult of personality y'all


burritoace t1_jac61s3 wrote

Lol damn you are awful


jwt155 t1_jacr1pu wrote

Glad to know you think facts are awful, explains why you’re wrong on just about everything.


burritoace t1_jacufnp wrote

You're a real wingnut, just firing off half-cocked insinuations all over the place. Not sure why you imagine anybody would take you seriously. I bet all the other fuckin morons over at the conservative subs love it though


jwt155 t1_jacv02v wrote

You’re excellent at projecting, you do a great job describing yourself when speaking about others, it’s truly uncanny.


IamSauerKraut t1_jaax0mh wrote

>No one forced Fetterman to do anything.

Repeating it for the slow thinkers in the back.