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jwt155 t1_jactlrt wrote

Free thinking and honest people speak the truth regardless of the situation.

Fetterman lied multiple times during his debate with Oz, highlighted with his blatant lie regarding fracking, even when he was directly confronted with his own words by the panelist.

The obvious answer is that Fetterman is just like any other politician, and once thrusted onto the statewide and national stage/spotlight he was incentivized to lie about his record and instead take stances that would make him more electable.

This directly negates the idea that he’s a free thinker operating in his own world, he’s a slimy politician like the rest of them and was willing to say and do whatever it took to get elected, including lying about pivotal parts of his record regarding fracking because he knew admitting his pro fracking stance would be detrimental to his campaign in PA, a state that has many jobs related to oil and gas.

If Yinz honestly think a man that was supported by $160M, one of the largest war chests for a senate race in the history of the country, is somehow different then every other politician, then I have a bridge to sell you.

People don’t buy off politicians who can’t be bought…


Zenith2017 t1_jacy6ku wrote

Yeah, I mean I pretty much agree in spirit. Fetterman is no different than any other politician. I voted for him very reluctantly

Edit - still don't feel it's really related to the OP but the point stands anyway. Nobody forced Fetterman to do anything he's a big boy. Let's not do a cult of personality y'all
