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dogmomdrinkstea t1_j7yduxy wrote

As a temple grad, I'm disgusted. Healthcare should be a right, not something to snatch away for striking.


throwwaway3123 t1_j7z86sk wrote

Healthcare is not a right. But I agree, it should not be used as a bargaining chip.

Wtf is with this push for everyone trying to get everything for free? We got enough lazy people unwilling to work and more free giveaways just encourages more of that. We should be talking about creating jobs to put people to work, not giving shit out for free to everyone, including those who don’t want to work.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j7zaxxf wrote

Uh, no. No one deserves to die from lack of healthcare, regardless of whether or not they're working. It's inhumane. People like you are what's wrong with this country.


Old-Bat-7384 t1_j7zfieq wrote

You say it isn't a right until you're in a position where your insurance carrier drops you, regardless of your will to work.


sirdrinksal0t t1_j7zoco3 wrote

Your employer should absolutely not have control over whether or not you can afford healthcare or a medical emergency wtf are you talking about


throwwaway3123 t1_j81d60d wrote

Nothing is stopping you from purchasing med insurance privately. My parents were small business owners so they have to pay for medical out of pocket.


sirdrinksal0t t1_j82f9dg wrote

Do you know how much it costs for basic coverage privately?


throwwaway3123 t1_j8spdcs wrote

It’s expensive. What’s your point?

Your employer having influence over your healthcare options is YOUR choice because your employer is subsidizing some of the cost for you. Again, you are welcome to purchase your own insurance through private means if your priority is to have medical coverage that is not tied to your employer but that is your choice.

Sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it too. Not surprised by your stance of wanting shit for free


sirdrinksal0t t1_j8tenlc wrote

Well don’t you sound like a peach. The point is it’s prohibitively expensive through private insurance which is why people are dependent on employer sponsored healthcare. Did you grow up well off? Because you don’t sound like a person who’s ever had to worry about finances like this. And if you didn’t grow up well off then jesus learn some fucking empathy because all that your espousing here is for people to just fucking die if they can’t afford their medications or healthcare.


throwwaway3123 t1_j8tvegp wrote

So your top priority is saving money on health insurance or making sure your employer is not holding you hostage with health insurance? I understand both are important but those are not the options here.

You sound like a child complaining because he can’t get everything he wants. In an ideal situation, yes all this shit would be free and life would be grand but it’s not like that. There are consequences to giving out free shit blindly to everyone which you clearly do not understand.

There needs to balance so society doesn’t fall apart. What the hell happens to our grandkids if we start offering health insurance for free to everyone in this country? Where is your fucking empathy for them?


sirdrinksal0t t1_j8v0hnv wrote

Well you didn’t answer my question so I’ll take that as you saying “I’ve never actually had to deal with these problems and have had a relatively easy life so fuck everyone else”


zeizkal t1_j7zpjtc wrote

Healthcare should absolutely be a right, do honestly think that healthcare should be locked behind a paywall? Look at it from a practical business point of view if you have to. Healthier citizens means a longer living stronger workforce.


EverybuddyToTheLimit t1_j7zx0ro wrote

1985 called, they want their shitty unfounded hot take back


throwwaway3123 t1_j81cp4x wrote

Yea because no one lied to steal from PPP.

It does not matter if it is 1985 or 2022. Lazy and unethical people will steal when there is a free shit.


106473 t1_j801y78 wrote

The labours of others in not your right.


EverybuddyToTheLimit t1_j8127rh wrote

Exactly, that's why we need to be opposed as a block against the rapacious and unchecked extraction of surplus value that the capitalists steal from us workers every minute of every day.


seraphimofthenight t1_j81lsay wrote

lmao wages haven't tracked with increased productivity over past 40 years, if it did min wage would be $30/hr, 60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck and working multiple jobs and apparently they're "too lazy to just work harder and pay for insurance." Either healthcare is paid for by taxes overwhelmingly paid for by middle and lower class or it gets baked into benefits for employers to stay competitive, nothing is free in this world and average honest to god working people are the ones paying for it either way with their labor!