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PrincessConsuela02 t1_j7zg9re wrote

Can you imagine being offended by a school trying to teach your child how to be kind and empathetic? What kind of world am I living in?


puresugarstick t1_j808nzx wrote

This just blows my mind on a daily basis and I find myself also asking what kind of world we live in. My own teenage son was raised to be kind, compassionate, and empathetic, I couldn't imagine why a parent wouldn't want that for their own child.


unsavory77 t1_j810piu wrote

Bc they see it as indoctrination. To subvert with "liberal biases". "I don't want my kid to have empathy towards some queer kid!". It's fucking sad man.


puresugarstick t1_j812eec wrote

But teaching kindness, compassion, empathy, honesty, etc is biblical lol It's the actual teaching of Christ. It's a shame I know that and yet I am not Christian, but then again I have actually read the bible unlike them.


unsavory77 t1_j816tas wrote

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


thenewtbaron t1_j8220m6 wrote

Let's make this a Christian government but ignore all the Christian things


puresugarstick t1_j8245po wrote

That is their plan. I started years ago as referring to these people as anti-christian as they sure as hell don't follow Christ.


SolutionsExistInPast t1_j82qbxm wrote

Oh I’d be flattered if the empathy concern was for Gays like me. It’s not. They don’t want their kids feeling sorry for non-white Americans who were beaten and denied equal access by their grand parents and how they voted.


jessie_boomboom t1_j8428l4 wrote

hey baby this is america. we got wide open spaces for non-whites and gays to not deserve our kids' empathy.


BluCurry8 t1_j802i9o wrote

What religion do they observe that doesn’t teach compassion? I guess we can tell who the bullies are based on this lawsuit.


[deleted] t1_j822i25 wrote



CovidCat8 t1_j82ntbz wrote

The end goal is to destroy public education. Make no mistake. This is driven by greed, first and foremost. The people leading it are useful idiots at best. Toxic and vicious idiots with a lot of money propping them up. Remember Betsy DeVos? This is her wet dream.


brashendeavors t1_j7z6ufj wrote

>“Not every human is deserving of my child’s empathy.”

Pretty good summary of conservative "christian" values. Forgetting everything Jesus ever said is the new christian way.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j7zndhx wrote

As someone who was bullied relentlessly for being autistic aka "the different weirdo kid" and plenty of homo/bi phobia as a queer person, this shit makes me wanna puke. My daughter will be a year old soon and I'll make damn sure to teach her empathy and general kindness is important. Break the cycle, folks.

ETA - I also used to live in Enola as a kid (my parents shared custody between Harrisburg and there), so this hits home.


ROTLA t1_j7zrrq4 wrote

Matthew 25:13 ‘and Jesus said unto them: Blessed are you who are poor and hungry except for those dbags over there who are, like, totally assholes so fuck them.’


Drewcifer81 t1_j809ppc wrote

> “Again, not everyone deserves respect, empathy, honesty, kindness etc. from my children.”

Aren't these the same folks who screamed about how we needed to have empathy when them and their ilk were earning themselves Herman Cain Awards at an amazing pace?


gdex86 t1_j800eyt wrote

I wish they just said what they really wanted to say "How dare the school teach my child that queers and blacks are people?"


misteryhiatory t1_j82qabf wrote

How dare the school teach my child that queers people and blacks people are people


ktappe t1_j83ugov wrote

Not only that, but of course they assume it will always be their child getting to decide whether to dole out empathy. Never occurs to them it might ever be their kid in need of empathy.


polgara_buttercup OP t1_j7z6cdq wrote

The quote from the article sums up their position so well. They want to make sure their kids hold their biases against people they feel are lesser. They want to be bullies.


[deleted] t1_j817m5v wrote

Yeah it’s something they want their kids to inherit


IamSauerKraut t1_j7zgdmo wrote

Moms for Liberty are all about teaching our kids how to be toilet bowl cleaners. Nothing more.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j7znm3o wrote

I mean, let's not belittle people who clean toilets for a living here. That's not much better than these parents.


ieatpotatochips t1_j816eiy wrote

> one of the parents asserts to West Shore school officials that her conservative religious values conflict with the Character Strong lessons – which are intended to teach compassion – because “not every human is deserving of my child’s empathy.”

There you go folks. Another example of conservative religious teaching.


lilgingeryt t1_j83gnn7 wrote

Conservatives saying they don’t agree with empathy and compassion…


MacDynamite71 t1_j80bnbi wrote

Is that the confederate cos player in the background


510granle t1_j82bo30 wrote

Looks like him. After all he’s got lots of free time now


HectorsMascara t1_j810i3d wrote

SEL Competencies

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship skills
  • Responsible decision-making.

They didn't even have to read past the first one to get hopping mad. Apparently we've created machines that are now more self-aware than conservatives -- probably make better parents too.


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_j7z9u2a wrote

Do any of these phony religious Republicans remember when Jesus commanded them to turn the other cheek?


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zs89t wrote

They don't give a shit. They use religion as a shield they can hide behind. You cannot reason with someone who believes their beliefs are divine. They won't ever compromise because of this. So they continue with their hatred and hide behind religion.


brashendeavors t1_j7ztnx6 wrote

And to love your neighbor. Including your literal neighbor.


brashendeavors t1_j8055le wrote

They only believe in Prosperity Gospel:

>"Material and especially financial success is seen as a sign of divine favor."


jetbag513 t1_j80z6kq wrote

Let me guess who that includes: Black, Asian, Hispanic, addicts, gays, trans, homeless, poor, disabled.

Am I forgetting anyone?


No-Setting9690 t1_j800ryj wrote

I'm sure there are good Christians, but this is exact reason religion needs to end.


sixshadowed t1_j80hh1x wrote

Essentially, this is proof the religion has ended, it is now ruled by people whose values are the exact opposite of the sacred text.


ROTLA t1_j80ol2s wrote

It was always like this. Jesus was a Jew but soon after he died, suddenly many of the Jewish laws didn’t apply because it was easier to convert others if you let them keep the tips of their wieners and eat pork. Create a new sacred text, adopt some pagan symbols and it’s all good!


sixshadowed t1_j80pys9 wrote

Christ taught that compassion and faith were more important than rules. But they've forgotten that part as well.


Guntcher1423 t1_j81gdyh wrote

I'm not sure. Why aren't the "good" Christians telling these people to go to hell?


scurvy_knave t1_j83uhfj wrote

They are. It's as drowned out as any other objections. It's not like the crazy ones suddenly feel ashamed if a "good" religious figure stood against them. They rationalize it away.


susinpgh t1_j83zh2e wrote

Same with the GOP. There are conservatives trying to call the far-right out. They aren't being listened to, and the party keeps sliding further and further right.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zrrej wrote

I don't give a shit what these idiots think goes against their conservative Christian views. The god they worship is a terrible, petty bully who isn't worth a fucking thought let alone worship. If they want their kids to get a conservative Christian education they can send them to a private school of their choosing and pay for it out of their own pockets. Until then they can leave their worthless petty bullshit god out of education.


TGIIR t1_j814ylf wrote

I went to Catholic school. The Jesus they taught us about was a kind, loving man. My Dad once asked me how I got so liberal. I told him he was the one who sent me to a religious school. Not all Christians are stupid, hateful jerks.


Patiod t1_j8de7fr wrote

I'm a Quaker now, and my Catholic mother asked me the same question. I suggested that bringing a pre-teen to Vietnam War midnight peace vigils (why yes, my brother did have a crazy-low draft number) was probably a contributing factor to me, I don't know, supporting pacifism.


tehmlem t1_j80fd3z wrote

That they hold up as an example of fatherhood a being which believes both that the mere fact of having created a person entitles them to total control over that person and that torture is an appropriate response to disobedience explains a lot about why they're such shitty parents. And why their opinion on raising children should be given exactly zero weight.


drunkmonkey176 t1_j7zz8du wrote

Funny, that's exactly what the Taliban believes. Y'All Qaeda trash needs taken out.


woodcuttersDaughter t1_j7zdo6a wrote

Empathy works both ways. I’m guessing their kids are gonna be little douche bags.


Atrocious_1 t1_j81ldy2 wrote

>conservative religious values conflict with the Character Strong lessons – which are intended to teach compassion

That really is all you need to know


Grumpicake t1_j7zt03g wrote

On paper the whole “my kid shouldn’t have to be empathetic towards everyone” thing is true, some people are just horrible monsters that do terrible things. But I’m context, what this lady is really saying is “I don’t want my kid to be accepting of anyone that isn’t white, Christian, and straight.” what a fucking nut job.


reddit_mouse t1_j81jbfg wrote

I love how the school leaders read the curriculum at one of the Board meeting to show there was zero chance the concerned parents would have their tender little snowflake feelings hurt and that the curriculum contained absolutely zero contamination from Critical Race Theory or similarly dangerous ideas. All to no effect; the rabid “Mom’s for Liberty” continued to froth their unfounded tirade of lies.

It’s all a coordinated distraction. By being so ridiculous in their logic, conservatives force their opponents into having to explain the obvious to these dipshits — meaning the right controls the conversation. Each time they pull this stunt is that much less time there is for meaningful issues to come to light.


mattd1972 t1_j7ztnxp wrote

Let’s look at the Bible a little closer…specifically, Matthew 25:41-45. “41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’”

These people are in for a rude awakening.


tehmlem t1_j80b628 wrote

> “Again, not everyone deserves respect, empathy, honesty, kindness etc. from my children.”

If that's how a parent feels then why precisely should we respect them?


Thehardwayalltheway t1_j81kqgl wrote

"Not every human deserves empathy."

Jesus would be so proud of his followers


BrainWav t1_j80ue3i wrote

I mean, she's not wrong... But I suspect she and I would heavily disagree on the who and the why. Especially since she seems like a prime candidate for losing that respect.


Guntcher1423 t1_j81g372 wrote

A conservative religious group wants to teach that not everyone deserves honesty. I guess that is why they are such hypocrites. Apparently it is part of their "faith"


[deleted] t1_j7zm1zd wrote

[ Removed by Reddit ]


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zrylh wrote

Not to mention that the residents of Pennsylvania rejected Mastriano about as hard as you can possibly reject someone. These people still want to try to shove a guy nobody wanted down our throats. We spoke and they refuse to listen.


dominantspecies t1_j80x748 wrote

if you want your kid to turn in to an idiotic, hate-filled asshole, like you, then home school them or send them to whatever cult school you like. This is a public school, for everyone.


reinventme321 t1_j81jsud wrote

I often find it difficult to muster up any respect, empathy, honesty or kindness for people that act like this.


puresugarstick t1_j80bwvd wrote

>“I have the right to teach them respect,” the parent wrote. “Again, not everyone deserves respect, empathy, honesty, kindness etc. from my children.”

People who treat others without kindness, empathy, and compassion are often miserable people. They compound their misery because of how they treat others. Think of when you hate someone and how it actually makes you feel at that time. Yes, hate is a normal human emotion, but most of us can not focus our hateful feeling for another 24/7 so we get a reprieve. These people live off hate, which I just could not fathom. And if that group of people they hate were to disappear they move on to hate another group.

I am not Christian,(I am a Buddhist) but I do know that Christ's message was one of kindness, love, honesty, empathy, and respect. These people are not Christian as they do not follow Christ's teachings.

Galatians 5:19-21

19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

So basically according to their own Bible, the one they love to quote so much they will not be inheriting the Kingdom of God.

Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.


CoupleFilms t1_j7zxd80 wrote

Damn I got this right as I was picking my kids up from a school in this district for an appointment isn’t that crazy 😂


IamSauerKraut t1_j7zg9oa wrote



bparry1192 t1_j7zqz3y wrote

If you open up an incognito tab and Google it through the incognito tab you can read the whole article


polgara_buttercup OP t1_j7zhqar wrote

I didn’t think it had to be a paid subscription but you did have to sign into the website to read. If anyone has a workaround please add it


[deleted] t1_j7zm6p8 wrote

I searched for west shore school district on Google. It let me read the article. Fox 43 also has an article posted, because well, Fox loves racism and bigotry.


axeville t1_j807s6o wrote

Sign in with your Google account for free access


OccasionallyImmortal t1_j8116vf wrote

There is a petition that enumerates some of the parents' specific complaints, although it fails to go into detail.


puresugarstick t1_j812u25 wrote

>Our kids need to be able to learn to think for themselves and not be told how to think and feel.

That's funny coming from the type of parents who file these lawsuits.

And they don't want morality taught in school yet they want the bible taught. I'm just confused. lol


Edited to add something


jessie_boomboom t1_j844wlv wrote

The take umbrage to the notion that morality is secular. They like to steer the narrative as if there is no universal baseline right or wrong. They want it to be only Christians (whatever weird specific bullshit flavor they prescribed to ) are right. Everyone else is wrong.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j81otaz wrote

These protesting parents need to be held accountable for child abuse.


polgara_buttercup OP t1_j81so8k wrote

Some comments from the petition they have asking for people to support this lawsuit are straight off the M4L playbook, with variations of “it’s indoctrination, kids should just learn to read and write, they’re teachers not counselors, I will decide what values my child learns” etc.

If you’re inclined to read more for educational purposes only, you can find their petition on

Personally if you’re that opposed to having thoughtful, kind and inclusive children then homeschool them or pay for private school.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j835m1x wrote

So kids who are stuck in private school (by parents' choice) have to deal with that instead? As someone who went to private school their entire childhood, no thanks.


SolutionsExistInPast t1_j82q12o wrote

Attention attention America this is your new Mom and she says…

No. No you don’t have to have compassion and you don’t have to have empathy.

——- weeks and years later ——

Person A: Help. Help me. I’ve been robbed. Person B: Hmm I wonder what that’s like being robbed. Oh well. Person C: I think they’re bleeding. Person B: So. They should do something about it.



Dense_Strawberry_522 t1_j849rba wrote

Hey all 👋. Actual real life Christian here, and I have been screaming for public education to put these sorts of programs (values based) into the curriculum for a decade. I can confirm the other commenters that these parents do not follow Christ. They are just plain dumb. As a Christian and a psychotherapist, the values being taught here are essential to navigating this secular and hedonistic society in a successful manner. Shame on these parents, they do not represent anyone but themselves.


Dense_Strawberry_522 t1_j849xr1 wrote

Hey all 👋. Actual real life Christian here, and I have been screaming for public education to put these sorts of programs (values based) into the curriculum for a decade. I can confirm the other commenters that these parents do not follow Christ. They are just plain dumb. As a Christian and a psychotherapist the values being taught here are essential to navigating this secular and hedonistic society in a successful manner. Shame on these parents, they do not represent anyone but themselves.


okayestmom823 t1_j875lcr wrote

They are doing this everywhere. Currently fighting this with our school board. Now they are going after our suicide prevention programs and mental health access.


Ok_Season_5325 t1_j7zy499 wrote

These people are looney tunes, keep this crap in Florida.


Hazel1928 t1_j86kykj wrote

These people are not representative of Christianity or consevatism. A better example of conservatism and it’s success can be seen by comparing Florida with New York state. In the last 20 years, Florida has surpassed New York state in population, while having about half the annual spending. Florida also scores better on many measures of well being such as percentage of the population on Medicaid, life expectancy, and many other measures.


SupahHuman t1_j7zzpvi wrote

Imagine telling your child exactly who they can and cannot positively interact with.

It's like I can hear the helicopter blades running.


Secsidar t1_j81i903 wrote

And we’re the last remaining superpower?


Dense_Strawberry_522 t1_j849j3a wrote

Hey all 👋. Actual real life Christian here, and I have been screaming for public education to put these sorts of programs (values based) into the curriculum for a decade. I can confirm the other commenters that these parents do not follow Christ. They are just plain dumb. As a Christian and a psychotherapist the values being taught here are essential to navigating this secular and hedonistic society in a successful manner. Shame on these parents, they do not represent anyone but themselves.


Dense_Strawberry_522 t1_j849k6b wrote

Hey all 👋. Actual real life Christian here, and I have been screaming for public education to put these sorts of programs (values based) into the curriculum for a decade. I can confirm the other commenters that these parents do not follow Christ. They are just plain dumb. As a Christian and a psychotherapist the values being taught here are essential to navigating this secular and hedonistic society in a successful manner. Shame on these parents, they do not represent anyone but themselves.


Dense_Strawberry_522 t1_j849lpc wrote

Hey all 👋. Actual real life Christian here, and I have been screaming for public education to put these sorts of programs (values based) into the curriculum for a decade. I can confirm the other commenters that these parents do not follow Christ. They are just plain dumb. As a Christian and a psychotherapist the values being taught here are essential to navigating this secular and hedonistic society in a successful manner. Shame on these parents, they do not represent anyone but themselves.


Potential-History493 t1_j80tdto wrote

I saw in this article that you mentioned that “While Moms for Liberty describes itself as non-partisan, many of its issues are in lockstep with the right flank of the Republican Party”. Are they not allowed to identify as how ever they wish? And aren’t you supposed to support that? Isn’t that the cookie cutter world we live in these days? If it looks like a pig but identifies as a horse, it must be a horse…. Even though we all know that it’s a pig. Oink oink


[deleted] t1_j7zjpl4 wrote



PPQue6 t1_j7zncit wrote

lol you're so full of shit...


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7znluj wrote

You proved me right?


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zse4e wrote

The old "you're being intolerant of intolerant people" nonsense. It's not a thing dude.


stjblair t1_j80o27n wrote

“How dare you call me an asshole for being an asshole”


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7zsrpx wrote

It is, there is no such thing as justified hate or intolerance. If you think there is, you're part of the problem.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zxzv3 wrote

Ah yes. We need to tolerate intolerance of marginalized groups. Say it out loud. Maybe you’ll get it.

Maybe we should have tolerated Germany’s intolerance of Jewish people? Or the south’s intolerance of black people?


demonicego93 t1_j81aqmp wrote

So many of this countries problems can be linked to our "tolerance" of violent racists in the south and not occupying and stamping out every confederate sympathizer following the Civil War. There is absolutely such a thing as justified hate and intolerance.


[deleted] t1_j7zn6ke wrote

Literally the exact opposite of reality.


polgara_buttercup OP t1_j7zkm2e wrote

So to clarify, you are leaning to the right side of politics and agree with Moms For Liberty here?


mcs0301 t1_j7zlxgd wrote

Based on their comments they suckle at the tit of conspiracy and authoritative behaviors. Mom's for Liberty probably makes them genuflect.


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7zldr7 wrote

Mixed at the moment, I see the need for the class with how teenagers and younger behave. Yet she should be able to opt her child from any coarse she doesn't approve of.


polgara_buttercup OP t1_j7zmivn wrote

But they can’t pinpoint what they object to in the course work. They just feel it’s wrong. And they specifically said that they don’t want their kids to show respect to everyone, that they reserve the right to look down on “certain people”.


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7zoq6t wrote

I dont want to assume what "certain people" means to her or you. I just know she has the right to go against any curriculum taught to her child if she disagrees with it. If they feel it's entirely uneeded then the oarents should all come together at a school board meeting and change things. I think parents are not nearly involved enough in their child's education, the mere fact she is so adamant about it is atleast something.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zsk2y wrote

She doesn't approve of teaching her kid empathy and you sit here and tell us the right is kinder than the left. Makes total sense.


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7zsxg6 wrote

Empathy and respect are not the same, stop bringing your emotions into things. Be unbiased.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zysir wrote

The old “fuck your feelings” trope. I have a pretty good idea you’re probably someone who lives his entire life based on nothing but how he feels.


[deleted] t1_j7ztxef wrote



Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j7zu9t0 wrote

You are disgusting to assume so much from so little words. You need to read up on dispositional attribution.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7zyj8k wrote

Read the room dude. Nobody is buying your bullshit. And for good reason.


ThePopeJones t1_j7zxyz2 wrote

Serious question here. Who do you think she's talking about if it's not gay folks? Follow up, what type of person would it be ok for her to dislike enough to be allowed to excuse her kids from class for?

Also, if she decides that women shouldn't be allowed to learn math, should she be allowed to take her daughters out of math class?


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_j800sx2 wrote

She should send her children to a private religious school if she wants to teach them private religious things.

In the real world, and in the New Testament, kindness is a virtue and not controversial in the least.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j835ukz wrote

Nah. Kids in private religious schools shouldn't have to deal with this bigotry either. I'm an autistic queer woman, I went to private school with no choice, does that mean kids like me in private school deserve that?


No-Setting9690 t1_j800x4j wrote

Kindness? Are you dense? They are nasty people, they have no tolerance for people who are different.