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ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_j83s61h wrote

He sounds young and thus inexperienced, therefore buys in to all the exaggerated fairytales of people beating all the tickets they get. Cut him some slack.


thepennsyltuckyin t1_j846pvj wrote

Most people tell you to fight it(at least in state tickets) because there is a chance that if you talk to the cop they will usually lower the ticket. Depending on the ticket obviously. You don't ever really beat a ticket. At least that's been my experience with being told to fight a ticket.


thepennsyltuckyin t1_j846qvt wrote

Most people tell you to fight it(at least in state tickets) because there is a chance that if you talk to the cop they will usually lower the ticket. Depending on the ticket obviously. You don't ever really beat a ticket. At least that's been my experience with being told to fight a ticket.