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JJ12622 t1_j83tzca wrote


It happened because you decided to disregard the speed limit and put everyone else in danger.


Fine-Blacksmith-9330 t1_j85af4t wrote

Your just as dead in a car accident at 65mph as you are at 94mph. Did the cop also put everyone else on danger as I’m sure he had to go above the speed limit to catch up.


JJ12622 t1_j8pwmtt wrote

Let’s assume that you’re* right. You’re* still less likely to get into a wreck when obeying the speed limit. And police have sirens to make other drivers aware of their presence. And police typically have more driving experience than OP seems to have.

And, apropos of nothing, didn’t the Uvalde police decide to not do their duty for fear that it would endanger other people?

And finally, what does the cop’s actions have to do with OP’s? If the cop ran over 15 people to ticket OP, OP still put others’ lives and safety at risk. Anyone else’s actions are irrelevant unless they were, say, chasing down OP with the intent to do harm.