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GSDBUZZ t1_j9rbp83 wrote

I would really like to hear that. Do you remember what NPR program the interview was on? I could look it up.


susinpgh OP t1_j9rcrq8 wrote

I wish I did. The interviewer was a woman, and she had two guests, both men. I checked the site, and there was an article listed, but the interviewer was a man. This was today, and I am not sure how long it takes WESA to archive their shows.

EDIT: u/GSDBUZZ u/xxdropdeadlexi I tried looking the NPR schedule over for yesterday. I tend to listen while I'm working and don't really track the shows. I did two webinars yesterday. So, my listening time was 10AM - 1PM and 3PM - 5PM. I am so sorry I couldn't find the show!


GSDBUZZ t1_j9rd5fn wrote

Do you remember what time it was? I could look up the WESA schedule to find the program.


xxdropdeadlexi t1_j9t67sv wrote

I'd really like to listen, too! it would be nice to listen to experts who know about clean up instead of just people who work for the railroad.