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defusted t1_j9ovc2z wrote

Ah the good old days, when we believed in science and the things experts said.


SayTheLineBart t1_j9se1hv wrote

Experts had a lot of bad ideas during this time too, you know.


benjaminbrixton t1_j9v1062 wrote

Remember the good old days when doctors wouldn’t wash their hands and mothers died during childbirth or shortly after at an extreme rate?


iluvgivingblowjobs t1_ja7i6f8 wrote

That was prior to Salk. Germ theory is a wonderful piece of scientific knowledge.


big_hoagie_eater t1_j9sh221 wrote

You’re spot on. All those peoples’ lives forever improved by icepick lobotomies. Completely safe and effective! Thank God for the experts!


SayTheLineBart t1_j9sqmcd wrote

Don’t forget leaded gasoline and the benefits of tobacco smoke.


big_hoagie_eater t1_j9syp3j wrote

Let us not forget thalidomide! Yep, the good old days of quack doctors ruining lives… oh wait… that still happens all the time.


iluvgivingblowjobs t1_ja7idr4 wrote

Thalidomide was stopped before reaching commercial sale by Dr. Francis Kelsey. She was personally harassed for not approving the anti-nausea medicine when she asked for additional testing/rejected incomplete findings. She’s a hero who prevented thousands of deformed children from being born due to her diligence to science. Don’t slander her work because humans didn’t have the scientific knowledge of what lead did to the body.


svenEsven t1_j9oyp3f wrote

Yet in 2023 people will still say the COVID vaccine was rushed and not properly researched even though we have decades more knowledge, technological advancement, and medical advancement.


delusions- t1_j9paa9p wrote

To be fair it was rushed; but with good reason, and it still fair to say that it is about as good as any other vaccine.


randomnighmare t1_j9pw1xe wrote

Wasn't the initial research into how to make an mRNA vaccine started at Penn State back in the 1990s?


artisanrox t1_j9ovpys wrote far we've fallen from this. 🤦


Kythera35723 t1_j9pjruq wrote

In an alternate timeline, instead of Elvis getting the vaccine and 6 months later most of the country is vaccinated, Elvis has to hire a bodyguard because of violent threats from antivaxxers.


firesidepoet t1_j9qm42u wrote

The Salk family used to live on the property my family lives on now. Years ago one of his family members came to visit the old barn that's still there. The farm house was torn down long ago, and more recently the "mouse house" where Salk kept a lot of his research mice was torn down as well, it used to be across the street from my mom's property. We have a panel from an old truck from the Salk's with "Shalom Research Farms" still visible on it.


BurghPuppies t1_j9ru8xb wrote

I guess those kids’ parents didn’t do their own research.