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jralll234 t1_j8o923a wrote

Jesus this is getting ridiculous. Anything more than a few miles away is fine.


Failedmysanityroll t1_j8z3nab wrote

That’s not how fallout works, much less water contamination when the contaminants hit the aquifers. Before you go off on me using the word “fallout,” anytime you burn something, there will be particulates that fall back to Earth.


jralll234 t1_j8z4n94 wrote

Who are you replying to? Where did I say fallout?


Failedmysanityroll t1_j8z5gyh wrote

You said a few miles away is fine. Which is clearly not true.


jralll234 t1_j8z7qhx wrote

You specifically said fallout. I never did. And more than a few, and I’m talking like 15-20 when I say a few, is fine with regards to this air pollution.