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highlandparkpitt t1_j9wi4bu wrote

I like Bedford, but the absolute most racist people I've ever encountered in my old job that took me all over the state happened to be in Bedford.

Don't get me wrong, there were some absolutely amazing people there as well, but I've never had people say the vile things said to me from people in Bedford.


FuckTheCrabfeast OP t1_j9wm8mj wrote

That's a bummer to hear. Like in what context?


highlandparkpitt t1_j9woobi wrote

I told people I lived in Pittsburgh.

They replied. "how can you live there with those n*****". "aren't you afraid your wife will be raped by those n*****" How can you stand the city.

And it happened a lot more than once. The brazen openness was the most shocking.


FuckTheCrabfeast OP t1_j9wpb2p wrote

Well, damn!

Like I totally get not wanting to be in a big city or even think it's dirty, polluted, whatever if you grew up in a rural area, but yeah, that's totally not cool.


Yep-its-me89 t1_ja1m06h wrote

This is true. Rural PA is super racist/conservative :(. I can’t tell you how many times people would come up to me and just say “so how about that Obama?” And expect me to agree and say something nasty. It has decent, polite, open minded people too though, and once you find them, it’s a nice place, generally to live.