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Blexcr0id t1_j8mfj5w wrote

I've seen folks say "There is no hate like christian love." Truth.


30686 t1_j8mp716 wrote

Sometimes I think we'd be better off if that book had never been written.


Grouchy-Estimate-756 t1_j8phxtr wrote

I think humans would have just found another system to pervert for power and control over others. Maybe it's good that religion actually fills that role instead of science? Not that people in power don't use the results of science for their own ends, but at least we haven't waged wars in its name and forever tarnishing a thing of beauty. Yet.


Gryphith t1_j8nh7lt wrote

It had its purpose, but we will hopefully be done with religion in another 100 years...maybe. The world is trending towards secularism, albeit slowly.


Plane_Vanilla_3879 t1_j8n9lm8 wrote

How many people have been killed in the name of God?


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_j8llys0 wrote

“I ain’t yer fucking friend,” says the party of Jesus.


ItsjustJim621 t1_j8mo6mn wrote

And then watch their heads explode when you explain to them that if Jesus was alive today, he’d be a liberal and they’d be telling him to “go back where he came from”


unenlightenedgoblin t1_j8mveg0 wrote

Republicans are now literally against inclusion of ‘empathy and kindness’ in school curricula because that’s some socialist shit and ‘not every person deserves kidness.’ The American Way to them is just being a violent, raging, bigoted asshole.


Lemonbrick_64 t1_j8pzjv3 wrote

Conservative Bari Weiss, is the literal founder of applying “Cancel culture” from about 10 years back


justifihave2 t1_j8rhr10 wrote

Wikipedia says she describes herself as a left-leaning centrist. I guess if you're not lockstep with all liberal policies you're automatically a conservative.


Lemonbrick_64 t1_j8sp5b8 wrote

That’s what you get for reading Wikipedia… she is FAR from a leftist, she is a complete and total grifter almost identical to Tulsi Gabbard and does the rounds on all the shows like Jordan Peterson, Shapiro, crowder, Dave Rubin etc.. like I said, a conservative


Griff82 t1_j8mjsa8 wrote

We had a "Hate has no home here" sign back in 2018(?). We ended up receiving some hate, we keep it in the cupboard. Someone could put that sign on their barn but it'd probably lead to a fire. Our NY / PA state line billboard here is still dedicated to the new Holy Trinity of DJT, Mast, and Oz.

I'm not a big fan of picking at the scab of hatred and intolerance but I wouldn't want to be a minority here.


ryeley323 t1_j8mej5h wrote

Lmao. Hypocrisy at it's best.


ryeley323 t1_j8nk9ny wrote

Actually, the hypocrisy is from the left on this one. Cancel culture was manufactured from the left. Both the extreme Left and Right are making moderate Americans nearly extinct. If you're right, you're vile and uneducated. If you're left, you're psychotic and unrational.


StyreneAddict1965 t1_j8nvnsu wrote

But only one of those characterizations is true, and they keep demonstrating it.


ryeley323 t1_j8nxhpe wrote

Thank you for proving the unrational part. Yep, because every single republican are the most vile swamp creature to ever set foot on the planet.


BeatsMeByDre t1_j8nvrex wrote

Nazis tried to kill all the Jews and others...are you saying that wasn't "cancelling" them?


ryeley323 t1_j8nw1j5 wrote

That comment makes you a dumbass. Plain and simple.


SomeOtherOrder t1_j8p5rjv wrote

> psychotic and unrational

First off, it’s irrational. Unrational isn’t a word.

Second, those are both words I’d still ascribe to the right… but hey at least you got the uneducated part spot on.


pAul2437 t1_j8mlzn4 wrote

From who?


IndependentCode8743 t1_j8mofs2 wrote

Isn't it usually the right wingers complaining about the intolerant left and their cancel culture?

Regardless, I don't understand why anyone would be upset with the sign. We need to stop letting the inmates run the asylum


pAul2437 t1_j8mqaec wrote

Who complained here?


steelceasar t1_j8msujq wrote

The right-wing land owner who originally agreed to the contract regarding the sign, and then changed their mind when the saw the message that would be on it. You seem pretty dense, acting like the modern Republican party isn't the party of culture war nonsense.


pAul2437 t1_j8mt7t5 wrote

Where are you seeing the landowner was right wing? The billboard company is from Ohio


steelceasar t1_j8mtzt6 wrote

Oh I see. I didn't realize you were illiterate, my mistake.


defusted t1_j8mwemd wrote

Don't respond to this asshole anymore, he doesn't actually care. He thinks he's "owning the libs" but he's just a dumb asshole.


Alternative_Manner36 t1_j8m0p66 wrote

That is absolutely awful. A minor point, though, just because the land owner didn't file a report with the police doesn't mean he didn't receive death threats. Just might mean he was too afraid to do so.


delco_trash t1_j8mk4kn wrote

He didn't file a report because he was too afraid to do so, but openly talks about it to the press?


Alternative_Manner36 t1_j8momye wrote

He didn't talk to the press. He talked to the company that was leasing his land for the billboard. The owner of the company was giving that as one of the reasons to cancel the contract, which, unfortunately, according to the contract, he had the right to do. Sadly, if the Dems want to impact a community that is so indoctrinated, they might have to purchase their own land and put up their own billboard.


MaybeADumbass t1_j8me114 wrote

When I receive death threats, the first thing I do is contact a small, private company for assistance!

Yeah it's possible the land owner received some real threats just like it's possible that I'll win the lottery. It's not fucking likely, though.


RamenPizza113 t1_j8o0qpd wrote

I’m not a democrat but there’s no reason to bring down that billboard. It’s freedom of speech. The Armstrong County Democratic Committee paid for the billboard so it deserves to be left up


Slight-West2591 t1_j8mnswu wrote

This is what happens when you politicize beliefs. I would be willing to bet if the sign was red and was from the republican committee it would still be up.

Oh and if that were on my property and received death threats you can bet your ass it would be coming down regardless of my beliefs.


pAul2437 t1_j8ormig wrote

The democrat chair doesn’t think there were death threats. Read the article


Slight-West2591 t1_j8p35my wrote

The person that owns the property said there were so who do you believe.


pAul2437 t1_j8padvt wrote

The supposedly republican owner of the property that requested the sign be taking down? That’s who you’re believing?


Away-Living5278 t1_j8ljwwc wrote

Of course it's Worthington.


nbm13 t1_j8mo99u wrote

I don't want to give the guy credit by listing his name but he's got these up all over the area now right next to his MERICA gas station after Sunoco cut ties with him in 2019.


kuweiyox t1_j8mqmo0 wrote

Don't be weak. Who cares about what republicans think. Accept everyone as they are and spread the love. Tomorrow they will move on to the next thing they hate anyway.


Indole75 t1_j8oo33k wrote

One small town in Armstrong County I used to drive through every day has a couple video billboards shoving bigotry in your face 24 hours a day. Nothing like seeing that obnoxious ugliness on giant screens at 6am with the brightness cranked up to 11.


pAul2437 t1_j8orv6m wrote

That’s this town


Indole75 t1_j8ovida wrote

Oh wow I completely skimmed over the name of the borough in the article. Thanks for pointing it out


randompittuser t1_j8og4sj wrote

"This makes us appear too welcoooomming!" :slams fist:


[deleted] t1_j8rmdrs wrote



z500 t1_j8ruqan wrote

Weird how focusing so much energy on hate wins you enemies. You'd think people would just be chill about it.


Odd_Shirt_3556 t1_j8mqztc wrote

What the actual difference is, seems like the guy with the electronic bill board has that on his property and posts whatever he wants.
This guy paid to have his sign on someone else’s property and the property owner took offense or was threatened.
Easy to solve , have a Democrat put the sign on their property.. They can be like electric sign guy who also reports he has been threatened etc. But doesn’t care. It comes down to post what you want, but have the testicular fortitude to do it in or on your property.


CleverName550 OP t1_j8ms49n wrote

Hmm. The owner of the billboard knew the message before he agreed to the business deal. So him being offended by the message doesn't seem plausible and if you are offended by that milquetoast message you aren't going to manage life well because it only gets much harder from there. Lastly, not everyone has the zoning ability or even placement opportunity to erect a billboard along a highly trafficked area.

My main argument is very simple. A deal is a deal. I hope this guy refunded the client at least a pro-rated refund.


Odd_Shirt_3556 t1_j8mu337 wrote

The billboard owner and company knew the message.. the article make it sounds like the landowner was threatened. They seem to be 3 different people.


ImJustaNJrefugee t1_j8n8twq wrote

But I thought it was OK for companies to discriminate on whose message they host or present?

See Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, Google...


CleverName550 OP t1_j8n9lcl wrote

Low IQ take. The company didn't discriminate. It accepted the contract then reneged based on supposed death threats. It's also important to point out the billboard had Mr. Rogers feel good content not hate or death threats toward a group or individual.

Lastly, why is Twitter crossed out? The owner changed but censorship and discrimination is arguably even worse. The targets just changed. As Bari Weiss of Twitter Files said of Elon Musk: Different boss, same management style.


DutyRoutine t1_j8nec0v wrote

Basically, I find people that are too far right or left, both equally nuts.


Zenith2017 t1_j8nfh5i wrote

The "equally" here really kills me. Can't we be different levels of nuts for different reasons? Like I respect if you don't think socialism is the way but don't equate with christo-fascists, it's not close


DutyRoutine t1_j8ng4x1 wrote

Basically, I find people that are too far right or left, both nuts. How's that?


Zenith2017 t1_j8nhb4r wrote

I know it may seem like picking at straws but I genuinely appreciate that. Tell me I'm a misguided fool any time over a comparison to the white nationalists or so on, know what I mean?


Grouchy-Estimate-756 t1_j8pit6c wrote

I'd rather have someone insane who worked with human rights in mind as opposed to someone insane who literally didn't care about anyone except people exactly like themselves.


SD18101 t1_j8mutwl wrote

Endless identity drivel 🙄


CleverName550 OP t1_j8mv5gv wrote

Seems anti-identity to me. It's anti-identity politics. It's saying we welcome anyone and everyone. You seem to have a rabid right-wing reactionary disposition.


SD18101 t1_j8n5pb2 wrote

Really? Dems need new victims so they invent 190 genders, and those that disagree are Nazi racists that should be destroyed.

You can’t see it tho it’s obvious.


CleverName550 OP t1_j8n8h4g wrote

The sign doesn't mention any gender or political identity. You're going off on an irrelevant tangent.

But I'm happy to talk about what you want to talk about since it seems to really upset you. First, I think it's important to make a distinction between sex and gender. There really only is 3 sexes. Male, female, and intersex (hermaphrodite) which is very rare. Gender is not the same as sex. It's more of an identity or personality. There are more masculine females and feminine males. Some people are asexual and androgynous. As far as I'm concerned saying there's 2 or 3 genders is fine with me. Male, female, and androgynous/asexual/intersex.

I don't believe there are a bunch of genders and find the idea silly. But you're using a common partisan smear tactic of taking a fringe person or position and trying to smear 82 million people as having those beliefs. I don't think most people think about or care about gender. Personally, I don't care. If I come across a goofball in real life that believes in 70 genders, which I never have, I'd just roll my eyes and keep it moving. These are not big problems to me. I care about ensuring people with illnesses have access to medical care at a reasonable cost. Transgender people are a fraction of a percent of the population. I want them to live free of discrimination but apart from that I don't think about them.


Zenith2017 t1_j8nfng5 wrote

Well, if you disagree AND pursue platforms to dehumanize those people...


CleverName550 OP t1_j8nnesj wrote

I can only see your responses in my notifications but not on here. I assume they're being blocked from at least my view for some reason. I read them on my notification menu though and all I can say is you're one angry, toxic dude. You are too far gone to have a constructive conversation with. You are a rabid partisan hack. Maybe one day you will become more balanced in your point of view.

For anyone curious what he wrote in response look it up in his profile under comments. It was typical hyperpartisan far-right bile.


susinpgh t1_j8ny6oe wrote

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