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Atrocious_1 t1_j8o9a8f wrote

Remember, that train was heading here. Worse, there is likely air and water contamination throughout Pennsylvania.

There's a lot for Shapiro to run on here. And the Republicans in the legislature are going to have a time trying to block any investigation or lawsuits from the state.


cbini t1_j8oudth wrote

Who are the republicans trying to block investigations or lawsuits?


ArcherChase t1_j8p0c8r wrote

Obama set regulations for safety but the lobbyists got it watered down to not include this type of train and cargo to NOT be considered hazardous and dangerous.

Trump repealed the regulations on safety after big donations from that industry to his PAC.

Biden has yet to restore the damages done by Trump and his Sec. Of Transportation is absolutely useless and too cozy with corporate America to address and attack this violence against the American people.

We need a Shapiro to put the screws to evil (yes, they knowingly and willingly harm others to boost their profits so they are evil) corporate ghouls and hold them accountable not just financially but with criminal and long term laiability for the inevitable cancer clusters that appear in this region down the road for the people who have to move back.


Atrocious_1 t1_j8p1phd wrote

Mayo Pete can't really do anything that isn't run CIA ops or fix bread prices


hahahoudini OP t1_j8pi0el wrote

Wish I could give you an award for this assessment of Pete, i've been getting sick of the attacks for pointing this out.


ArcherChase t1_j8pt21e wrote

I have such a distaste for Mayor Pete. He gets praise from normies because they see him with snappy retorts on Fox News shutting down jackasses. They ignore his absolute incompetence from day 1 in this job. He is a corporate puppet and uses identity politics to make it seem like he is the next big thing. I don't know if it is worse that he is such an empty suit or that people are so gullible and if orant that they buy into his BS.


hahahoudini OP t1_j8q3o5v wrote

Most people seem to engage with politics the way pro wrestling fans engage with wrestlers. 'I like Sergeant Slaughter bc I love America and he waves a flag around; 'I like George W Bush because he seems like a good dude i'd have a beer with,' or, 'I don't like Elizabeth Warren because she seems like an angry librarian.' Like over 90% of people who vote conceptualize politicians this way, completely ignoring that candidate's platform, their competency, anything. I'd rather have a root canal than try to explain to one more person that their priorities and opinions line up with Bernie Sanders' platform at like 95%, vs 20% for Pete, or 5% with DeSantis, or whatever lousy candidate they're fooled by. George Santos is the penultimate example of this. Anyway, yeah, Pete is a thoroughly useless, centrist, corporate, neoliberal, who branded himself as smart early on, so it's extra infuriating to me that his fanbase don't understand the first thing about how anything political works, yet view themselves as super smart, and therefore like Pete, 'bEcAuSe hE's sMart LiKe mE!' And they're equally smug about their ignorant opinions, on some Dunning Kreuger level. Rant over.


big-D-ronnie t1_j8xpw1s wrote

Hey buddy, say what you want but don't you ever dare try to denigrate Sgt Slaughter.... That man was a childhood hero!


Atrocious_1 t1_j8oysz5 wrote

Well since there aren't any lawsuits or investigations yet, there aren't any. But you know that the GOP isn't going to sit idly by when Dems can get an easy win, saying they forced Norfolk to pick up the tab, nor allow a corporation of all things be held accountable and maybe heavier regulations be enacted.