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Tria821 t1_j8uut66 wrote

I'm reading that first one as a meat-centric statement. And this time of year most herds wouldn't be pasture fed, it would be silage and other stored grains that could be an issue, those tend not to be exposed to sunlight or rain - so being undercover 'may' protect them from contamination in the first place, if silage in a silo that is in good repair it would probably have had minimum contact with contamination, but if not that could be another issue.

The short half life does relieve some worry and over all I would think that the largest concentrations would end up in the lungs and livers of the animals but without much research being done on what chemicals cross the 4 stomachs and get into the cow's milk supply I would hope that enterprising grad students make this a priority area of research.


WookieeSteakIsChewie OP t1_j8uv9a6 wrote

Interesting thoughts.. Maybe reach out to the extension and suggest it?


Tria821 t1_j8uw5ok wrote

I intend to call the number that was posted in the article you shared. Thank you for sharing that, btw. My family's farm is on the Eastern side of the state but these are the things we worry about. The documentation that had to be done when 'mad cow disease' was more prominent in the 90s has apparently left a mark on me. It was mostly a steer issue but there were questions about the milk supply and dog food supply too. (if a cow is on it's last legs you sell it; if it is standing when they come for it you get a decent price because it can be used for human consumption, but if it can't stand up it can only be sold for dog food and you get next to nothing for it - but still better than having to bring out the dozer and bury it - so sudden worries about mad cow disease had a lot of family farmers and local vets having to go back a few months and hope they had kept the paperwork for everything)


Snoo71538 t1_j8wasld wrote

Milk is mostly water. If the chemicals dissociate in water, they will also dissociate in milk.