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Practical_Fix_5350 t1_ja2zkgf wrote




It's tied into Compass, you can apply for it with SNAP and Medical Assistance via the popular PA portal. If you're unfamiliar with it just head over to It's straight up the easiest energy assistance program I've encountered.

In addition to that: Please call and ask about payment payment plans. My electricity was astronomical a year or two ago. Didn't have steady employment and I was letting it rack up in the hopes I could pay the whole thing down the line. They killed the power and I called that afternoon and had it back on in 30 seconds after setting up a basic payment plan.

The way it works is they split what you owe over several months over what you're accruing normally so your bill will be higher but manageable now.

Example: if you're monthly bill averages $1, say. After a while you owe $5 and they shut off the power. If you call and literally just say the words "Payment Plan" they say "Okay, you'll pay us $1/month on the plan". Now you owe $2 a month until you pay it off. I know this isn't crazy hard to understand but it is nice you still have the option after "the point of no return" so-to-speak.

If you miss one of those payment plans they will shut it off again so start finding a way to prioritize it from then on.


Opening-Ad-8793 OP t1_ja3rkmk wrote

You wouldn’t believe the stories I know about trying to qualify for liheap and the attitude received by poor folks trying to get help.


Practical_Fix_5350 t1_ja3vj6u wrote

No way, is it the county maybe? I had no issues at all a few years ago when I needed it one winter, I was approved before the end of the day.

You mentioned it was stories that drew you away. I would call anyway if you haven't yourself. These programs can be a hassle but I would suggest you start throwing darts at the board and see what sticks. Getting a SNAP card will still help you catch up on your utilities.

The Compass website makes this fairly easy, and yes: that change was recent. Within the last year I'd say. When I used it I had to call, it was so easy I still remember the person's name because it stood at that much, it was Lisa. She took a run through all the programs under Compass that I could apply for in basically one go without having to call different organizations and departments myself. By the end of the day I knew the results for about 90% of my applications, got some and didn't get others but it didn't matter because the strain on my total finances was lifted enough.

So there's a positive one for you. If that ends up not being your experience I'm sorry, but do please try.