Submitted by LocalCryptidTM t3_11dgbiu in Pennsylvania

I've lost all hope at contacting PA Unemployment, I get the busy signal every time and I don't have time to wait months to get an email response. How do I fill out the form? It's asking me why I've left my current job, but I still work part time. They don't give me enough hours to pay my bills and I need some extra money until I can get a full time job. Any advice?



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egJohn t1_ja8f7kf wrote

i think you need to work 4pt jobs before the state will help you. /s


phins420 t1_ja8g0r5 wrote

It's a nightmare . Contact your state rep or go to your local career link for a direct line call to them. I promise though If you redial for about an hour you'll get through to them.