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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j9rxqvy wrote

In Some towns the Animal Control Officers are great. You email them. They go visit. Things improve. Other towns it’s better to call the police (on their regular phone number, not 9-1-1), just to ask for their recommendation.


Maybe these cats are not being appropriately cared for. Approach it as concern for the cats.


BeatsMeByDre t1_j9ry3zv wrote

You want to stop a caring animal lover from caring for animals because you don't like the smell? Move and stop being a baby.


BakaSan77 t1_j9s1apd wrote

Your trying to get an animal rescue place shut down? Maybe they need some help? Go help the cats. You need your license revoked


Dispatcher12 t1_j9s1q04 wrote

Have you seen the cats? If you have not seen cats I'm going to put it out there that what you've got is a meth lab.


Kairenne t1_j9s3e56 wrote

I’m so sorry for you. Try putting Vicks generic product under your nose.

However, maybe they have a foster rescue license to cover up their hoarding.

The place isn’t clean. You can smell cat piss next door! Keep calling Animal control.


Kairenne t1_j9s7zv9 wrote

I can’t think that could be true. Our two animal shelters are so clean and healthy smelling. M so sorry.


Jollyoldstdick t1_j9sf0vt wrote

Code enforcement? Small claims? Loss of peaceful enjoyment of your home?

You need to sit with a lawyer.


Mobile-Willingness29 OP t1_j9st5r3 wrote



Mobile-Willingness29 OP t1_j9sy5yt wrote

Idk if you're trying to be funny but its not working, regardless we are trying to not do that and yes it happens that theyre neighbors and yes they are also his family.. Regardless it dont matter give me advice not your petty bs concerns on details


worstatit t1_j9t9dxf wrote

Let the landlord know the neighbor is destroying the property.


linsor1 t1_j9tdn12 wrote

Does your boyfriend live with family who runs a cat rescue and you don't like it? I'm sorry if he's having issues but your original post is about how it's driving you insane first, and not his issue.


this_works_now t1_j9tzra0 wrote

Can you say what kind of help you're looking for? Are you looking for air purifying tips? Unfortunately this situation will not go away without intervention.

People have said to make calls to the police and animal control, but you're saying that it's not working for you. How much have you followed up with them? I live in a small ruralish town myself so I understand that sometimes it's hard to get someone inspired to come out, but you should be able to contact one of your town's council representatives about it, or your local state representative's office which should be nearby.

I tried googling "animal rescue license in pa" but I am only pulling up a kennel license which requires inspection because there are standards of care which this home is obviously not providing. Someone absolutely should be able to look into things.


nrreiger t1_j9u3mtj wrote

I don't think this is the place to come to complain about this. Make a report to city hall or something. Nobody here on Reddit (of all places, why reddit?) can help you.


roses-r-red-7799 t1_j9u8ly2 wrote

Nature's Promise makes a spray that gets rid of cat urine smells, it breaks down the enzymes in cat urine. You can also get products that absorb odors, such as activated charcoal bags, idk if they work for cat urine though. It doesn't seem like there's an easy answer for you. I don't like the dog in a cage all the time, that's horrible, but idk the circumstances. I did thought that rescues or fosters had to have cats spayed/neutered, that would stop the marking, but again, idk all the details. I would Google products you can buy to help eliminate the smell to your home. Cat urine is strong and will definitely aggravate asthma. Good luck!


Gracie305 t1_j9uivtd wrote

Is the property owned or rented? If rented, report it to the landlord or management company. If owned and there is any sort of HOA/COA structure, review the rules and regulations and file a grievance with the board.


Major_Bother8416 t1_j9ur7za wrote

They need a better system for changing and disposing of litter. Cat litter can get very expensive if we’re talking about multiple cats. People don’t like to dump it all out every day because of the expense but they need to be doing that. Maybe offer to donate litter if this is the issue? Or heavy trash bags if it’s the trash that stinks?

They also need to make sure all of the cats are spayed and neutered. Unneutered males stink to high heaven.