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Excelius t1_j9jqefz wrote

> That's not true, according to campaign finance records. Since 2019, Mastriano has in fact received $1,000 from Norfolk Southern's political action committee, the Good Government Fund, per filings with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. The last contribution, amounting to $500, came in 2020 when he was running for reelection to the state Senate.

Searching for the NS "Good Government Fund" finds this page on their website where they disclose their contributions:

Seems like they only allocate about a half million per year to these activities, but it's spread out over like 20 pages of candidates. Looks like $500 per cycle is a pretty common amount for them to allocate to state legislative candidates.


[deleted] t1_j9jqpyg wrote



Excelius t1_j9jrry6 wrote

It's also worth noting that prior to his 2022 run for Governor he was kind of an unimportant fringe figure in the state GOP. Republican leadership in the state legislature hated him and stripped him of committee chairmanship after various public feuds, including over pushing too hard on the election fraud craziness.

He probably wasn't seen as important enough to influence, he was just another rank and file Republican who got the standard donation. Of course once Republican primary voters handed him the nomination in 2022, Republicans fell in line because that's what they always do.

Doesn't look like the NS fund posted their contributions for 2022 yet...


wagsman t1_j9l84kg wrote

Oh they are going to hold out on posting that for as long as possible.