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Mysterious487 t1_j9lxhc5 wrote

This isn’t a big deal in my opinion because the governor has proven himself to be a man of exceptional character. If he was wrong, the governor would be man enough to admit it and make things right. Attending the Super Bowl was a great experience for Governor and First Lady Shapiro.


ewyorksockexchange t1_j9mnwa3 wrote

I like Shapiro, voted for him, and think he will be an excellent governor. That said, politicians are people and not inerrant. In this case, I’m uncomfortable with Shapiro and his staff accepting tens of thousands of dollars in perks from an organization that receives state money and routinely is compensated for their consulting work by the executive branch in PA.

Even if legal (if he and his staff disclose these gifts per the provisions of the State Ethics Act), it still seems fairly clear that this violates at least the spirit of the executive branch policy on gifts.


big_hoagie_eater t1_j9mss8o wrote

The last thing I want to do is start an argument or cause any discontent, but I do have one question for you. Hypothetically, if it were Governor and First Lady of PA Mastriano, would you still consider it a no big deal, good time had by all situation?


Mysterious487 t1_j9npptq wrote

I would still be of the same opinion. The governor, whether a Republican or Democrat, is the top person representing the citizens of our commonwealth. It was great that our governor was at the Super Bowl and cheering on one of our sports teams. These teams bring a lot of business, tax revenue, and employment to the state, so they need to be supported by politicians of all political persuasions. I see nothing wrong with Gov. Shapiro being there. In fact, I would have been more upset if he wasn’t in attendance. As I stated before, if how the governor got there was wrong, I am confident they he will make it right. Gov. Shapiro is a decent man.


big_hoagie_eater t1_j9rv73n wrote

Fair enough. I disagree, but I appreciate your sincere response. I wish more people on this sub could handle opinions other than their own without having to hide them in the -30s.