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Mysterious487 t1_j9npptq wrote

I would still be of the same opinion. The governor, whether a Republican or Democrat, is the top person representing the citizens of our commonwealth. It was great that our governor was at the Super Bowl and cheering on one of our sports teams. These teams bring a lot of business, tax revenue, and employment to the state, so they need to be supported by politicians of all political persuasions. I see nothing wrong with Gov. Shapiro being there. In fact, I would have been more upset if he wasn’t in attendance. As I stated before, if how the governor got there was wrong, I am confident they he will make it right. Gov. Shapiro is a decent man.


big_hoagie_eater t1_j9rv73n wrote

Fair enough. I disagree, but I appreciate your sincere response. I wish more people on this sub could handle opinions other than their own without having to hide them in the -30s.