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CoalCrackerKid t1_j9tuozs wrote

Still no election day holiday


zorionek0 OP t1_j9tutur wrote

Very good point! Unfortunately, that doesn't have bipartisan support (yet).

On the other hand - this would be sick because it would turn Veterans Day into a 4 day weekend!


CoalCrackerKid t1_j9tw2c9 wrote

Or, and stay with me here on this complicated idea, move election from Tues to Saturday.


Mr_Fraunces t1_j9u0lu4 wrote

Many people work on Saturday


CoalCrackerKid t1_j9u11gk wrote

This is going to seem strange, because compromise is a dying art, but if you see the other reply, why not both? Why have it just be a day? Why not make it a multi-day window precisely because, no matter which day you make it, somebody will bellyache with an objection?

At the end of the day, what would things look like if one side didn't want a lot of people to vote? Would we see a lot of the things that we see now?


zorionek0 OP t1_j9u3hba wrote

That’s what Mail-in ballots accomplish. So if we had an Election Day holiday AND mail-in then everybody is covered


CoalCrackerKid t1_j9u4274 wrote

With you, and love mail-in ballots, but have you heard about the party that's trying to end mail-in voting in PA (after voting unanimously for it in the PA Senate previously)?


zorionek0 OP t1_j9u4g08 wrote

Geeze. Oh. Perhaps I have heard of such a party lol


CoalCrackerKid t1_j9u53j4 wrote

> At the end of the day, what would things look like if one side didn't want a lot of people to vote? Would we see a lot of the things that we see now?

I reiterate :)


Mr_Fraunces t1_j9u25ch wrote

If if Election day is declared a holiday there are still people who have to work. People work on Christmas and Thanksgiving.


CoalCrackerKid t1_j9u2w6m wrote

Since the point whistling past you made such a lovely sound, let's play it again.

Why not make it a multi-day window precisely because of the "folks gotta work" bellyaching retorts?


Mr_Fraunces t1_j9u37ue wrote

Wow, I bet you're a real joy to be around.


delusions- t1_j9vpa1r wrote

Project much?


Mr_Fraunces t1_j9vpepj wrote

No. You?


delusions- t1_j9vpnxe wrote

Oh, you didn't get what I was saying.

I was saying you're acting like a miserable asshole, for literally no reason, and therefore would be shitty to be around especially at festive things like a party.


AlVic40117560_ t1_j9y31h8 wrote

I actually don’t like that idea. I’m much more for a Tuesday holiday. On a general Tuesday, most people just work. Some people have a hard time getting off work to vote, but the same people that have a hard time finding time during the 13 hour window of 7 am-8 pm probably also work on Saturdays. Any M-F 9-5 is able to get out and vote during those hours.

If Election Day was on Saturday, a lot of people would have other normal weekend plans that could cause them to not be around on a Saturday. A lot of people would prioritize those plans over voting and won’t schedule around Election Day. Where as Tuesday, most people are home because it’s a work day and they just need to stop by at some point during the day if possible, or vote by mail.

Making that Tuesday a holiday is a much better way to go about it then changing it to a Saturday.


whomp1970 t1_ja9w73u wrote

I once heard a proposal to move Tax Day to the day after Election Day.

At no point in the year are you more likely to vote, than the day after you have to pay your taxes.

At least, that was the idea.


Atrocious_1 t1_j9v07zl wrote

Or, just not have it be on one arbitrary day, and have it spread out over 3-5.


1h8fulkat t1_j9wi7g9 wrote

Republicans tend to hate it when people vote.


BeerExchange t1_j9vvxwv wrote

Election Day as a holiday does nothing for retail workers. Easy, accessible early and universal mail voting does more for everyone. Look at how Washington or Oregon (I forgot which) does it and emulate that.


aoeudhtns t1_j9w848x wrote

I agree, but I think on principle it should be a holiday. We still need volunteers at the polls, as well as counters, observers, and all that. It'd be good to grow that pool.

And I also wish there was more teeth to declaring a holiday in this country, but that's another issue.