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CoalCrackerKid t1_j9lomks wrote

They're commutable to warehouse work in the Hazelton area. That's largely why.


Huldati t1_j9m8s1c wrote

Your name totally checks out as a reputable source šŸ˜. Are you from the anthracite or bituminous region?


harold1226 t1_j9lut9b wrote

It makes sense. Lots of people willing to work on warehouses.


Allemaengel t1_j9o0x1d wrote

And to the ones along I-78 in Berks and Lehigh counties too


plumbus_luvr t1_j9mnc22 wrote

The real estate companies around me will advertise 40k houses in the inner city. Shamokin has seen an influx of non-whites to a traditionally white area. The local motorcycle meth gangs are not happy lol


ftwin t1_j9mowl3 wrote

My grandparents lived in Shamokin. Used to visit their a few times a year for 4th of July and Thanksgiving in the 90s and 2000s. Used to be a pretty bumpin town. Now itā€™s like a creepy grey heroin-filled hellscape.


Cool-Championship403 t1_j9m64f3 wrote

Tamaqua is thriving. Shenandoah is trying. Mahanoy City has a long way to go.


harold1226 t1_j9m6crh wrote

Yeah thatā€™s how it looks so. Apparently big companies are buying a bunch of houses etc. Also not to far away closer to Allentown there is a large community of apartments being build.


pekepeeps t1_j9mr626 wrote

Iā€™ve been watching the properties get gobbled up in that area and guessed it will be full of landlords that live anywhere but there. I hope the area is revitalized but most likely it will end up like Reading. The NY folks bought up the cheap absolutely beautiful properties and turned them into multi family rentals that went to crap.


hoagiebreath t1_j9m70jp wrote

Prisons. They are a big source of influx from different areas. And the fact you can buy a house for $12k..


rogerjcohen t1_j9onp67 wrote

Schuylkill County is well positioned for a surge of development along I81 corridor if well planned


theREALPLM t1_j9q0jaj wrote

Yeah there is something of an influx of refugees. Theyā€™re paying too much. A bunch of bottom-feeder developers think they can just buy houses and flip then immediately with no work or even cleaning it out. Housing prices were rock bottom when I bought mine in 2016. I paid $34,000 for a 1400 square foot home. I know some landlords that were despairing about the low real estate values back then.

And no, itā€™s ā€œgo back to your stateā€ territory. Hundreds of NYers vacationing here during COVID to escape the lockdowns is the reason Graffiti Highway in Centralia was finally covered over. Thereā€™s been a massive influx of NY/NJ license plates since then

Some faithful mask-wearing city guy just got himself killed on an electric scooter in the last year or so. He zipped around like crazy in and out of traffic, I always saw him riding around with a surgical mask and groceries in hand and knew exactly what would happen with him driving so confidently around. Fortunately for everyone else it was a cop car who struck him. People arenā€™t looking for scooters around here.


yeags86 t1_j9rnjbi wrote

Itā€™s very much ā€œgo back to where you came from, you donā€™t belong hereā€ for some people I know up there (wife is from the coal region). Itā€™s a really stark difference between MAGA and even Republicans in general, and people who arenā€™t, who tend to keep quiet when politics come up. And some of the worst of those people are ones living off the government and keep voting to make things worse for themselves because they donā€™t know how the world works. We donā€™t visit her mom very often anymore (to be clear - her mom isnā€™t like that, very much the opposite, my wife is half black). Lots of good people, but a good chunk of them arenā€™t going to be good to you if you donā€™t look like them.