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nardlz t1_jdqm8yb wrote

I wouldn’t normally seek out someone with an MBA to represent me at a criminal trial.


RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqmjrh wrote

Ah, would you let him manage your company of 200 people in his current condition?


nardlz t1_jdqmnzb wrote

Considering how incompetent the higher managers at both mine and my husband’s company seem to be, sure.


RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqnj51 wrote

So you'd rather have non existent managers in your business? Why are you paying them?


sirfuzzitoes t1_jdqogx6 wrote

What the fuck are you arguing? He does not manage a business. He is not a lawyer. How many other pointless question are you going to ask? You asked a question and people answered. You didn't like the answer and now you're trying to argue that he isnot for to serve.

Next time just post your bullshit statement. No one cares.


nardlz t1_jdr2tdm wrote

You're taking me seriously when you're the one who suggested he'd be trying a criminal case in court? Time to chill a bit.