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HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahbweq wrote

Do you know who would murder a bunch of kids?

Satan would.

EDIT: I was pointing out the irony here of someone complaining about a Satan club by threatening to kill a bunch of kids. If I had to choose between members of a Satan club minding their own business or a Christian threatening to murder kids I’m picking the Satan club every time.

Edit 2: Allow me to explain the Christian hypocrisy further as there seems to be some confusion. The person who called in this threat is acting more like the Satan they believe exists than their savior.

These Christians act more like their version of Satan than anything the Satan Club is doing, which is absolutely nothing but minding their own business.


Wuz314159 OP t1_jahd9r7 wrote

Christians said that they would. They made the threats that closed the school.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahe2tw wrote

I know. I was pointing out that irony of which of those two groups was threatening to murder a bunch of kids who are minding their own business.


HahaWeee t1_jahk489 wrote

>Do you know who would murder a bunch of kids?

>Satan would

Satan kills like what 10 people in the Bible? God's body count is in the millions


HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahlwux wrote

I understand that. But that’s not the Satan these Christian believe exists in our world. These people threatening to kill kids who are in this club are more like their distorted version of Satan than their version of Jesus Christ. If anything the person who threatened these kids is akin to their Satan here and they are too stupid to realize it.


MoreOfAGrower t1_jahih1r wrote

God has killed soooooooo many more kids than Satan has, so you don’t know what you’re talking about


HeyZuesHChrist t1_jahkci3 wrote

Did you even read my post? You see that big edit? Or did you stop reading before I explained it?