Submitted by junkkser t3_11y180c in Pennsylvania

Does anyone know how strict the state parks are with enforcing the rules on the max number of people at a camp site? I’m taking the kids camping this summer and I’d like to include my brother and his son, but that would put us over the 5 person limit.

The campground is booked up now, otherwise we’d just get a second site.

Is it the kind of situation where they don’t really care as long as you follow the other rules and don’t bother anyone?



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Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jd5rvi8 wrote

I think you'll be safe. One person can check in and they don't come around and count. But as you say don't do anything dumb and no one will care. Especially if the 6th is a kid.


blue5801 t1_jd5uxt1 wrote

Former ranger here. Yes the rangers will enforce the regulations on max persons on a campsite. It's also dependent upon the park or forest you plan on camping at. Also if you get loud or have booze, we can remove you from the campsite


timsweens81 t1_jd5vv4o wrote

I barely see rangers when I camp. I doubt they count or care as long you're not too loud or anything.


Prudent-Fly-8299 t1_jd5w80j wrote

I used to be a park ranger, so long as you aren’t a dick you should be fine. Although some put on the uniform and think they’re robocop but generally people are pretty mellow in that profession.


travismg79 t1_jd5wfzz wrote

You will be fine if you are 1 or 2 over and don't make lots of noise at night. Only way I could see it being enforced is if a neighbor site complained about noise. Rangers don't typically even leave their vehicles anymore from what i see.


Slomper t1_jd5zkp5 wrote

Just make sure you don’t exceed the car limit and give them a reason to check in with you. Park whoever’s car is extra at the overflow spot/ designated parking lot and you should be fine.


SnooRevelations9889 t1_jd600s2 wrote

Not a ranger, but a former camper who have broken a few rules by and by.

Make sure you're not annoying neighbors.

Follow the (other) rules and respect quiet hours.

Also good to get out and about, so they don't see all of you hanging about the same site all day.


blue5801 t1_jd6068v wrote

It depends on the site and park. Usually when walking and checking on the sites, most rangers are looking for sites with more adults than kids. Generally as long as you're not being loud or disturbing other sites, most rangers will generally leave you be. Biggest problems we had was booze which caused the most issues of people being loud and lead to their being ejected and cited.


pineapple-pumpkin t1_jd60t00 wrote

If you are in tents, check on the limit of tents allowed. That might make it more suspicious as I rarely see more than 1 on a site in PA parks. I have stayed in the cabins and our neighbors were definitely over the limit but nobody cared. Rangers drove by a lot and didn't stop there. I'd probably take the chance if I were you.


junkkser OP t1_jd61m94 wrote

So, this would be like 2 adults and 6 kids, oldest being a young teen. No booze and generally early bedtime. Probably have 2 tents which I think is permitted (please correct me if wrong).


craggy_cynic t1_jd61quj wrote

I also don't think you'll be bothered by rangers as long as you're not being disruptive. Are you tent camping or are you in a camper/RV. If tents I'd make sure the site you have reserved can accommodate the total number of tents you need. Depending on the park, some sites are small and/or only have enough space to pitch one tent.


jballs2213 t1_jd637v3 wrote

I’m not gonna rat anyone out here but…How strict were you on the alcohol policy in state parks? At our local state park we camp at, it seems like as long as you aren’t an asshole and aren’t openly walking around,We aren’t enforcing it.


Cogatanu7CC95 t1_jd63d07 wrote

My experience with rangers is as long as you're being responsible,and not an ass (and they arent to new trying to prove themselves) you're fine


Lester_Knopf t1_jd64hgj wrote

Make sure you're under the # of cars on the lot. We were under on person # but over the car # and got in trouble.


jralll234 t1_jd77aji wrote

They are pretty damn strict about a lot of things. Frankly camping at pa state parks is substantially worse than it would otherwise be because of the stupid rules and overly strict rangers.


Blexcr0id t1_jd78msu wrote

You should be okay, but they'll definitely enforce the number of vehicles allowed at a camp site. Use the overflow lots.


svenEsven t1_jd7h3gd wrote

My family always went with 5 kids + 2 adults, and usually a friend or two. I didn't even know there was a limit.


underwear11 t1_jd7ha0j wrote

I will say, it totally depends on the mood of the ranger. Me and some friends went camping, got 2 sites off-peak and our ranger just decided to be a grump. I don't know if he was bored or just on a power trip. We hadn't even been there 3 hours before he came around and was counting people.


Impressive_Bus11 t1_jd9u3om wrote

I feel like this is more to prevent parties and keg ragers in the "woods" and less to keep families from camping together.

Depending on the lot sizes for tents, it could also be to prevent people from spilling over into other campers' space.


Socketfusion t1_jdb7l2y wrote

Follow all the other rules, especially noise and fire related ones, and you'll likely be fine. Make sure you don't exceed vehicle and tent limits. Rangers usually aren't coming around and doing head counts. They usually just want to make sure no one is being disruptive or dangerous.


FenisDembo82 t1_jdmiifv wrote

In my experience camping in PA, rangers are mostly concerned with noise at night and stowing food so that it didn't attract bears.