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PACubsFan23 t1_jaoqbq8 wrote

I work in a school, so let me get that out there from the start.

  1. SEL has always been in schools in some way, just more specific these days because of several reasons A. Kids are emotionally and socially “different” as a result of the pandemic. B. Some Parents are not holding kids accountable for their actions in school, and have consistently bashed schools & teachers with ridiculous claims & misinformation they’ve heard on Fox & others
  2. Schools do not indoctrinate kids. We discuss issues that kids bring to us, and try to help them navigate their thoughts, feelings and emotions. It’s a slippery slope, but in some cases…we’re the only ones they can trust.
  3. Per latter part of #2 above, some kids want to discuss topics with us because they feel they can’t discuss those topics with their parents.
  4. Public Schools are not Religious-based, so if your child or you as a parent want that, check yourself into a parochial school.
  5. We want to partner with you because if there’s a disconnect…the kids get confused & we have mass chaos.

It’s not about us Vs. them…it truly isn’t. But if we have kids who don’t value others, treat each other with respect & kindness, follow rules & respect the adults…we’ll have no chance of teaching them anything.

PS - I find it odd that most people who claim schools are indoctrinating kids & pushing all of these “scary” things haven’t stepped foot in a school for years. Instead of going on the news, suing districts, ranting on social media…go get your teaching degree & sub or get a teaching job. You can “fix it” from within if it’s truly broken - There is a teaching shortage in PA! But we all know that doesn’t fit their narrative so 🤷


Adept-Ad-661 t1_jaw0kwp wrote

There’s a legendary tweet from a Philly teacher that’s like…if we were indoctrinating your kids we’d indoctrinate them to wear deodorant and stop using their cell phones in class