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PensiveLog t1_jdzo5vo wrote

So how long does one usually take to get over depression? Surely the condition that affects everyone with different degrees of severity has a standardized timeframe that you have studies handy for.


oldschoolskater t1_jdzpyfn wrote

Length of U.S. hospitalizations for mental health in 2016, by diagnosis

In my experience with a very close family member who suffered with depression and anxiety, 5 to 15 days seems to be the norm.


Mijbr090490 t1_je0mko9 wrote

Lol. Magically the depression is gone.


oldschoolskater t1_je0nam1 wrote

No. It doesn't magically go away, and it's not a joke.


PensiveLog t1_je0w440 wrote

It just takes a couple days to get over, and then everything’s fine?

Does recovering from a stroke add or subtract recovery time from that chart?


oldschoolskater t1_je0yawy wrote

Not at all. Those times on that chart are what it takes to diagnose the problem and figure out the best medication. In my experience most people don't get over depression they learn coping strategies along with medication. Just like a physical injury you're sent home to heal.


PensiveLog t1_je1fqqz wrote

But six weeks is objectively too long for that to happen? I’m confused by your stance here.
