Submitted by julianna96 t3_11h0rk1 in Pennsylvania

I need a disability placard and have the proper form already filled out and signed by my doctor. Im willing to make the 90 min drive to Harrisburg to get the placard without waiting, but I want to make sure their website is accurate and that all I need is the form and nothing else. And that they can give it the same day.

If anyone has had experience with this, Id appreciate the feedback so I don't make the drive for nothing!


ETA: In case anyone ever has a a similar question, I called before I left and the person on the phone said there’s a chance a closer location could help me but I’d have to pay a processing fee and it wasn’t a guarantee. So i made the drive with just the form and my drivers license and walked out with a placard in 5 mins.



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Grumpicake t1_jar4gzx wrote

Have you given their office a call? They might be able to tell you something that isn’t on the website.


julianna96 OP t1_jar4kr8 wrote

I literally tried that right before posting here but the automated message said they were so busy and so short staffed and to call back later, and then it automatically hung up on me


Grumpicake t1_jar4uw7 wrote

Do you know where the office is? I’d be more then happy to make a quick stop at their office and ask. I’ll be driving around Harrisburg all morning. Just depends if my route goes anywhere near there.


julianna96 OP t1_jar55n5 wrote

Wow, that’s so generous, thank you! Their address is 1101 South Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17104


Grumpicake t1_jar4oww wrote

Interesting… well it’s still pretty early in the morning. If you aren’t in a hurry, maybe call around 11?


IamSauerKraut t1_jar6xp4 wrote

Is Harrisburg your only option to obtain the placard? I know a few folks who have obtained theirs at closer satellite offices.


julianna96 OP t1_jar77fx wrote

I assume it is my only option because according to their website, “if the customer brings/mails their completed form to the Riverfront Office Center in Harrisburg…”. I’ve been on hold with them for about 20 mins so if I get through, I’ll definitely confirm that as well


IamSauerKraut t1_jara46h wrote

Look for a PennDOT licensing facility closer to you. Call them. More likely to get a human being at the other end of the phone.


Kneedeep_in_Cyanide t1_jardtfg wrote

You can also mail the form in and get the placard mailed back to you. It doesn't require in person application. I know that waiting on the mail is a pain but unless you absolutely need it immediately it is very much an option


julianna96 OP t1_jardyna wrote

Yeah, I know. Honestly, I’m on spring break now and have the time so i figured I’d take a little road trip and not have to bother with the long wait. Thanks though!


Kneedeep_in_Cyanide t1_jarel4h wrote

Let's be honest with PENNDOT you're waiting either way 😆 Good luck on your road trip! And if you're of age I highly recommend stopping at Ever Grain in Camp Hill for a post DMV beverage. The food is good as well


julianna96 OP t1_jareven wrote

Haha i should have said *longer wait! And thanks for the recommendation.


slykens1 t1_jari8xe wrote

Contact your state representative’s office. They might be able to process it for you in a day or two rather than you driving to Harrisburg.