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Zenith2017 t1_jarbwty wrote

This is a no bail type of situation. Dunno what the magistrate is on about


olive_ate_my_pimento t1_jas2bhc wrote

The article says 50,000 unsecured bail. So frustrating. Should def be a no bail situation.


heili t1_jas4nr3 wrote

And why is it a magisterial district judge whose purview is "all traffic cases, minor criminal cases, civil cases, theft, disorderly conduct and landlord/tenet disputes involving amounts up to $12,000" giving a sign-and-release unsecured bail to a rape suspect?

Nothing that happened here is a minor criminal case. Rape is felony of the first degree.


msip313 t1_jasgy3z wrote

Magisterial district judges preside over bail hearings and preliminary hearings for all criminal offenses in PA. If you murdered someone, for instance, the preliminary hearing on your first-degree murder charge will be before a MDJ.


heili t1_jasj7ua wrote

So that's how we get bullshit like this?


msip313 t1_jat2kcv wrote

Well, every state conducts a preliminary hearing when criminal charges are filed, typically before a minor-court judge, so it’s not as if this is unusual. And since we can’t incarcerate a person for crimes they’ve been charged with prior to a trial and verdict of guilt (or, more commonly, a guilty plea), the decision to grant bail and in what amount turns on whether the person is flight risk and presents a danger to others, among other considerations. A few states have gotten rid of bail in recent years and instead use a form of pretrial supervised release. Most states, like PA, offer bail for non-capital offenses. The amount varies, but many, many criminal defendants can’t afford to post bail and wind up awaiting trial in county jail.


heili t1_jatacaj wrote

Raped an unconscious 14 year old in a toilet. I'd say there's reason to believe he is a danger to others.


Mor_Tearach t1_jascdpe wrote

There's some insanely low statistic on rape, and child rape is indeed a felony being prosecuted as a felony. Pretty eye popping.


LowDownSkankyDude t1_jas5vci wrote

Shippensburg is tiny. I imagine that's just what they have. It only has a standing population of like 5 or 6k people.