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pizzapantifa t1_jb9t5aw wrote

Just a simple question. Why are you so invested in convincing people that the guy who threatened a school for having a club with the name "Satan" in it isn't associated with christianity?


Important_Egg_6748 t1_jbe3n4q wrote

I’m not trying to convince people of anything. If he’s a Christian activist, great, I don’t care. I am open to that. You on the other hand are not open to anything other than the fact he is with zero supporting information.


Important_Egg_6748 t1_jbe4vh4 wrote

It is scary when people want to yell and scream in an attempt to silence. Yell and scream when somebody asks a legit question that the answer to might go against their their developed narrative. I answered your question. I am not trying to convince anybody of anything. Just seeking the truth….nothing I’ve said so far is persuasive either way. Now can you please answer my question. Where did you see information that says this guy is a Christian?