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ancrm114d t1_jaxiung wrote

I think he should resign. The only reason not to is if you know it's a smear campaign otherwise it's going to come out eventually.

However republicans calling for his resignation is the pot calling the kettle black.


Stlr_Mn t1_jaxtv9k wrote

Dude isn’t denying it occurred. Idk what he is going to fight? He put his hand on a lobbyists thigh repeatedly and he apologized for it the next day. He’s claiming he has struggled with alcohol addiction which is great but deal with it when you’re not a fucking state representative. This is so dumb and I don’t know how leadership isn’t expediting the whole process so as to get a new representative.

The faux Republican indignation is hysterical but it’s not like they’re wrong, just extremely hypocritical.


squirreltalk t1_jb30399 wrote

>However republicans calling for his resignation is the pot calling the kettle black.

I'm a Democrat who thinks he should resign, and I don't want to hear a goddamn word about this from any Republican who has not disavowed Trump.


MagentaMist t1_jaw1hzr wrote

Not long ago I would have said "resign". But Republicans do far worse and don't resign. I don't see why this guy should.


Trout-Population t1_jaw4bee wrote

Because Dems need to hold themselves to a higher standard?


MagentaMist t1_jaw5hxo wrote

I totally get that and normally I'd agree 💯. But what has holding Dems to a higher standard gotten us? Al Franken is a great example.


boredoflife96 t1_jawmaqm wrote

Minnesota has two democrat senators. Al Franken retiring didn't lose anyone a seat. This guy should give up his seat so we can elect someone who isn't sexually harassing people.


untilyouredead t1_jawn2cf wrote

we may agree 100% politically and still i can almost promise anybody you’ve ever voted for throughout your life has sexually harassed lots of people


boredoflife96 t1_jawpxed wrote

Politicians shouldn't be sexually harassing people. I don't disagree with your statement, but the least we can do is stand up for the women (and men) who are willing to stand up for themselves. It's our duty as informed citizens to call politicians on their bullshit regardless of party.


ArcherChase t1_jaxiial wrote

That "When they go low, we go high" bullshit gets you curb stomped in elections because the general public doesn't care about this and it blows over fast. They held themselves to higher standards and one of the best Senators resigned over a decades old photo while on a comedy tour. This is a political war. Both sides are as much puppets of corporations but when you try to show off for being righteous, you resign and lose power. One party is in this for pure power and when they wield it, it only helps out the elites.


Trout-Population t1_jaxj949 wrote

"That "When they go low, we go high" bullshit gets you curb stomped in elections because the general public doesn't care about this and it blows over fast."


ArcherChase t1_jaxmz4b wrote

Not sure what an example defined by a historically unpopular President telling people that the vote was fraudulent anyway so why show up would be Germain to this discussion.


SomDonkus t1_jaw95su wrote

Good. At this point it’s common practice for no one to resign. Our last president was under investigation his entire term. We currently have serval sitting congressman under investigation who still maintain committee seats. One dude has basically been found to have fabricated 70% of his life story. Until everyone resigns no one should.


IamSauerKraut t1_jaxh3vw wrote

>Until everyone resigns no one should.

Under your theory, until every murderer is convicted of murder no one should be convicted.

Not sure that's how it is supposed to work.


ArcherChase t1_jaxi3i5 wrote

Convicted and accused are different things.


IamSauerKraut t1_jaxyaxf wrote

No shit, sherlock.

We are not talking about a regular man on the street. Instead, Zabel is an elected official. Standard for behavior should be higher for him. I can be ok with giving him a second chance, but there is that 2nd woman. And there is the GQP controlled Ethics Commission which did absolutely nothing.


cashonlyplz t1_jay8q9g wrote

Franken was (to my best memory) was the last time Democrats take the high road... stakes are too hard to pretend ethics mean shit anymore.


IamSauerKraut t1_jayb4h8 wrote

Which is one reason why I believe the GQP ought to shut up until they address the wife beaters in their midst.


Otter592 t1_jawy2a5 wrote

You resign when an investigation by the appropriate authorities proves you guilty. No one should resign over allegations alone. That would be a ridiculous and dangerous standard.


IamSauerKraut t1_jaxhcsx wrote

>No one should resign over allegations alone.

I thought both Clinton and donnie dumpster fire should have resigned based solely on credible allegations. I also think legislators who have credible allegations of physical abuse lodged against them should resign. We need to have some minimum standard beyond "infamous crime."


Otter592 t1_jaxyf1w wrote

I think the key there is "credible" and who decides what's credible or not. It doesn't need to be a technical crime, but there needs to be a formal investigation to determine if allegations are credible or not.


IamSauerKraut t1_jay0l2j wrote

>there needs to be a formal investigation to determine if allegations are credible or not

I think some folks are confusing sexual harassment with sexual abuse. One requires a criminal investigation with due process rights regardless of the accused's place in life, the other needs only credible allegations. For a solitary accusation, there may be a need to determine credibility in an accusation but when there is more than one accusation a pattern of behavior has developed and credibility runs in favor of those levying the accusations.


ksquad80 t1_jb0e0gm wrote

The minimum standard isn't met by organizing a coup apparently.


Bogart_The_Bong t1_jaxjb2i wrote

If it's good enough that no republican ever quits regardless the crimes they commit - it's good enough for this guy.

Remember Al Franken? Me too. He got screwed over this exact same way.


lucky7jrk t1_jay3rnh wrote

There should be an ethics investigation and then he should resign based on what the ethics committee finds


BrowniesAndMilk1 t1_jb01naz wrote

Lmaooo this dude comes off as such a pompous douchebag. Same stupid smile in all his pics.

Also, he looks hammered in the pic for the article Lmao


IamSauerKraut t1_jaxgz64 wrote

A man in full self-loathing mode.


Rmlady12152 t1_jay7e46 wrote

So, he was at my door asking for votes. All the while being a fucking slimeball. Stuck his nose up at my marijuana charge. Keep your hands to yourself. Weirdo. Another liar.
