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ChatNoir33 OP t1_jb1ff54 wrote

It saves people so much money from gas, parking and vehicle upkeep to clothing to food and this is not to mention how much time people save by not having to commute. For me, my commute was an hour plus with traffic, but it would also take me another hour or so so get “office ready”. Now I can sleep in until 7:30am and start working at 8am instead of getting up at 5:30am to make sure I’m in the office by 8. The extra time is invaluable.


Redlar t1_jb1q8ju wrote

>saves people so much money from gas, parking and vehicle upkeep to clothing to food and this is not to mention how much time people save by not having to commute

Aside from all those benefits, it's better for the environment and, I highly suspect, better for people's mental health. Win-win


Ok-Competition-3356 t1_jb1nu13 wrote

And of course, the last thing which might even be the most important is that happy workers are better workers. They need to get their heads out of their asses this is a win on all fronts if they would allow people to work at home.