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artificialavocado t1_jb711nj wrote

Not good enough. If they can prove “gross negligence” I want criminal charges.


Mijbr090490 t1_jb72qw6 wrote

Wonder if it was worth all the time they saved not thoroughly inspecting rail cars.


STLLC2019 t1_jb7r9ad wrote

Bow many other trains made it to their respective destinations with no issue despite the depressing lack of safety inspections today?

$3mil is not even a drop in the bucket of the petty cash for these corporations. Their daily revenue stream runs into the BILLIONS.


DJBeachCops t1_jb7tfs2 wrote

Death Penalty for Corporations. Jail time for company heads.


teneyk t1_jb9864b wrote

They left off a part. They will pay millions, to him.


drxdrg08 t1_jba2so5 wrote

> Wonder if it was worth all the time they saved not thoroughly inspecting rail cars.

It was. That's how everything works in the world. You find a reasonable medium between cost and benefit.

Do you get a $5,000 PET scan at your routine annual physical? It would very likely find a lot of problems much earlier than otherwise.

Why doesn't every single road have concrete dividers? Why don't cars have 5 point harnesses and roll cages? That would prevent a lot of accident and deaths.


ProleAcademy t1_jbes2c2 wrote

Send the execs and Board of Directors to prison for life. Nationalize the railroad and let the rail union administer it.

Anything less is aiding and abetting this kind of criminal activity on the part of Norfolk Southern