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sixplaysforadollar t1_jbazy5v wrote

The biggest complaint should be the DUI laws. As soon as you get a medical card you’re at risk to get a DUI at literally any point bc it doesn’t matter if the last time you medicated was 6 days ago since it’s still in your blood you still get tagged with the dui.

And then you just basically pay a few thousand dollars.


Mijbr090490 t1_jbbvcsn wrote

That and employment laws. Kinda stupid that I can come back from the weekend and everyone has a drinking story. But say about smoking some weed and you'll be getting a call from HR.


DestroyerOfIphone t1_jbb9dac wrote

You also can't have a ccw and medical card.


sixplaysforadollar t1_jbbaylg wrote

Yeah that’s also a big one. Personally, I’m more concerned about dui laws but can totally see how people would be as upset or more upset about Ccw laws


Level_Equipment2641 t1_jbdtx9q wrote

Under Bruen, this prohibition is unconstitutional, at least according to the Fifth Circuit in U.S. v. Jared Michael Harrison. The demonic DOJ is appealing, but the writing is on the wall. Note: The Harrison decision isn’t necessarily binding on PA’s district, but per Bruen, the ban on ownership, possession, and carriage (LTCF) is patently unconstitutional. This domino will fall soon — and for good. That said, IANAL; consult a competent atty.


SeptasLate t1_jbgehjk wrote

Yeah there needs to be some effective way of testing if drivers are stoned while operating their car.


EvetsYenoham t1_jbbnyst wrote

I mean yes technically THC stays in one’s system for 30 days depending on body fat content but if you haven’t smoked in 15 days how you getting a DUI?


Knoblord_McCheese t1_jbbobok wrote

Because it's a zero tolerance law. One microgram in your blood an old wham, you're DUI.


EvetsYenoham t1_jbbqf66 wrote

But how would you get pulled over to be tested anyway? You’re still high after 15 days?


imamunster123 t1_jbbstsf wrote

It doesn't matter how you get pulled over.

Let's say the cop pulls you over for a tail light that's out, but finds some bullshit probable cause to test you for DUI. If you've used cannabis in the last month, you're pretty well fucked due to the incredibly low limit for THC in the blood mentioned above in this thread.

The way the law is currently written, if you use cannabis on a regular basis, you are technically committing a DUI every time you drive in PA, whether you are currently high or not.

This combined with the fact I can't legally own a firearm with a medical card is why I haven't bothered to get one. It doesn't offer me any real protections or benefits for the fees I'd have to pay, and it's giving documentation of my cannabis use to the state that can be used against me when the cops see fit.

Thanks, but no thanks.


EvetsYenoham t1_jbbuvgi wrote

So you get pulled over for speeding and they give you a blood test? Ok.


imamunster123 t1_jbbw47o wrote

If the cop comes up with a reason for probable cause, or can show reasonable suspicion that you are intoxicated (classic "I smell burnt cannabis in the car" bullshit) then yes. They can detain you until a blood test is done.

Never said they SHOULD be able to do this, but it is 100% plausible.


MomsSpecialFriend t1_jbcb8uv wrote

Yes. My son went through this, the cop wasn’t satisfied with the clear breathalyzer at a routine traffic stop and wanted blood for weed. He refused and has to get a fucking interlock in his car and spent multiple years suspended over the whole thing.


curatedaccount t1_jbfvx5g wrote

> He refused and has to get a fucking interlock in his car and spent multiple years suspended over the whole thing.

This is probably a dumb question, I expect everyone knows the answer, but here it is:

In retrospect, do you think it was a good idea to refuse the blood test and take the license suspension rather than getting the blood test and certainly failing?


MomsSpecialFriend t1_jbg0nk9 wrote

Honestly I think fighting a marijuana charge would have been cheaper and had a better chance at being successful. The DUI you get for refusal is so expensive and you can’t fight it.


WinterWontStopComing t1_jbebul0 wrote

I got pulled over once for a single rear view mirror going over the line on an empty stretch of road late at night. I always comply, and try to be as nice and courteous as I can. Had not been doing anything wrong. Was not under the influence of anything.

That stop ended with me and my passenger handcuffed on a squad car while a canine unit searched my vehicle for fifteen minutes.

Things involving the police can and do occur for vague, obscure and otherwise surreal reasons regardless of whether it offends your incredulity


randompaaccount t1_jbcf92i wrote

Could be literally any reason. There was a woman who had a seizure at a traffic light but she got a dui because they tested her at the hospital.